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게시 일시: 2024년 4월 14일 오전 1시 56분

Woah okay, now I feel shmort :3

*Read only first and Last paragraph if you're lazy*

I was sleeping on this mod because I was a lil' biaised for lore, i'll get on that later. :v
But heck yeah, the way they introduce the mechanic of time portals is really cool, like they don't shove it in your face just like that, it HAS build up. And this thing is woah, like everything works good, just a lil' laggy sometimes but i never crashed so that's good? :p

The chamber actually have quite a big challenge, like I hadn't been struggling with the Portal series that much since Portal 1 advanced Chambers and I think the extra courses of Portal 2 COOP. :0
The level never stops going up and that may be a little frustrating for some people, like "it doesn't get better" kinda feeling. But once you complete it, man it's like you achieved something big lmao.

But now to get on the part that retained me from playing
It's the whole artistic direction, it's missing personality. Like you would not recon' the game if you didn't see the big green portal. :(
The chambers are still nicely put together in terms of layout, but in actual decor and making it look "Reloaded" it's missing. In terms of story, I'm biaised by Revolution and Stories: Mel (two other really good mods) that have a good visual identity and interesting story. :/

But yeah overall it's an amazing mod that really puts up a challenge, the mechanic is cool asf,
small downside with the visual identity and story being a lil' minimal for such a cool mod. :3
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