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Recent reviews by Fluffy Fox Himbo

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1,460.1 hrs on record (317.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Very super good.
Posted 7 February, 2024.
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128.0 hrs on record (69.4 hrs at review time)
it good leave me alone
Posted 3 January, 2022.
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13 people found this review helpful
0.9 hrs on record

I love the original Dungeon Defenders too much to let Eternity destroy what could be an incredible, awesome experience for you.

Go play the original.
Eternity is a disheveled mess of menus, GUI, and terrible decisions made in attempts to please a niche group of Streamers and hardcore players. This game was remade and subdeveloped by a different studio using assets from the original game, while the host company, TrendyEnt, focuses on their sequel; Dungeon Defenders 2.
-Menus are tangling and must be cycled to go through or escape.
-Private games are done in-queue
-Public lobbies prevent any "down-time" with friends
-Gameplay is glitchy and ugly
-All assets are STREAMED IN. You'll launch the game and notice all your textures are completely rubbish even set to the highest quality, because all the assets are downloaded as you play. Or rather, download as you struggle with understanding any of the information blasted at you in menus and decisions.

This was all done in the name of contesting with cheaters and exploiters in the original game's Leaderboards.

If you are looking to enjoy the incredible Dungeon Defenders experience, you WILL NOT find it here. A few extra maps in the campaign and Game-Of-The-Year compact DLC, marginal customization improvements, and any kind of "rebalancing" does not make up for this atrocity. Go buy the core game of Dungeon Defenders, ignore all the peripherals of "DLC" and "expansions", and enjoy it. If you find yourself wanting more, I urge you to buy the Crystal Shards expansion as well! But above all

buy Eternity.
Posted 23 July, 2014.
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14.6 hrs on record (12.0 hrs at review time)
This is an amazing work of art, for starters. To keep it brief as can be, it's Oregon Trail in terms of "Watch something move across a horizon while waiting for ♥♥♥♥ to go wrong that needs your attention".

It isn't as ruthless and esoteric as the problems you would face in Oregon Trail, but it doesn't pull its punches. People will die, it will be your fault, and you will struggle with the guilt and shame to the very end. "Could I have done better? Could I have saved so many people's lives?" is a question that lingers with me after completion.

That's a good point to say the game is brief. It's part 1 of a trilogy. I had no idea until a google search pulled up that information. In regards to a first act this is quite the package. It ends so abruptly, but it couldn't end on a more painful and lingering note that demands you look forward to sequels.

Aside from the scenarioes requesting your tense attention, there are several tactics-RPG style combat episodes. Enough to not feel like the game is void of tactic content, but also scattered enough to feel it does not take the role of being a tactics game first, before good story telling. The tactics depth in this game may not be as diverse as titles like Disgaea in terms of units and customization, however it is a brilliantly done experience. You'll find yourself forced to pace out a battle rather than simply focus-firing down targets in quick succession. Balancing weakening your opponents to prevent more pain dealt to yours, and preparing them for the decisive blow to end them- and most importantly the When.

8/10. If this game was delivered as the whole package, it would easily deserve a 10/10 for its remarkable content and storytelling, especially with the agency you have within to feel the guilt and consequences continue to burn down through the course of your adventure. The gameplay, the story, and visual/audio art comes together into an experience that could not have been delivered better, save for the whole deal.
Posted 31 May, 2014.
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145.1 hrs on record (41.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The truly captivating part of this game has less to do with "Terraria with space", or the inclusion of a science fantasy setting- and so much more to do with the feeling of exploration. In other sandbox games which drop you with nothing but your fists and your brain in an unknown horizon, when you've conquered the wilderness there's truly no further reason to creep out and explore. Other than the possibility of finding some bizarre glitch or to hunt down some item with a bigger number on it. You retreat to your batcave with your spoils, and when you are satisfied you turn off the game.

Starbound does not just promise, but delivers a constant struggle with the unknown, and surprises you would be ill-prepared to face until the problem is provided for you. You do not know what to expect when you drop down into a new world-- a new place. With more than just angry-shapes-that-want-you-to-die nipping at your survival, you have so much more to consider and plot for that makes the process of surviving and expanding rewarding from the moment you begin crawling through the dirt. The inhibiting, but not crippling, fact you must refeul your ship to prevent jumping back and forth from cache worlds and your frontier ahead insures you must proceed with caution and deligence, 'less you be stuck on a frigid planet with just one torch to huddle to before becoming a person-sicle.

Beyond just survival or a sandbox, this game's depth and mechanics are bewildering. Games like Terraria and Action-RPGs proved how much more robust and unique a game's combat can be when you're given a 360 perspective centered on your character. With brilliant technology and strategies and genuinely balanced combat between chosing to stay at a distance or tackling your enemies head on, as well as the sandbox capability to build your own escapes and traps garuntees that you will always have a chance against even the most absurd or difficult odds.

The game is currently in Beta, and for many developers this is used as a crutch to put out an unfinished game while slowly making changes to it over its lifespan. But this is not true for Starbound. They have controls in place, are deligently and constantly-- every day working to tweak, squash bugs, and balance the game's issues and have a structured plan for the process this beta phase will go through before the full release.

Keep that in mind when you purchase this game. It is the most amazing game I've ever encountered in my whole gaming life, but it's not truly out yet. If you can't wait to jump in, feel free to. But if you can't forgive a game for being "not quite there yet", wait a little while longer before they announce the game is done. I promise you will not be disappointed.
Posted 7 December, 2013.
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