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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
68.9 h en tout (54.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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I played a lot of Pharaoh by Impressions Games as a kid, and while horribly sucking at it, the game was a lot of fun. Having played a fair few city builders and being not satisfied with them one way or another; Songs of Syx scratches the same itch those Impressions Games city builders did.

It has a bit of an initial learning curve but is a very engaging and rewarding game to play. New challenges arise as you scale up in population and incorporate more resources into your city. It's still a WIP so some mechanics are half-cooked but it's still a very enjoyable experience that will only get better with time.
Évaluation publiée le 18 septembre.
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2.2 h en tout (1.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
still challenging good fun, what can be played for free is pretty generous so you can determine if you want to give the devs your money or not
Évaluation publiée le 16 juin.
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21.2 h en tout
ok they caved in we did it reddit
Évaluation publiée le 4 mai. Dernière modification le 6 mai.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
47.0 h en tout (1.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
i like it
Évaluation publiée le 22 mars.
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0.0 h en tout
best game expansion there is. CDPR really pulled through with the 2.0 update and phantom liberty.
Évaluation publiée le 28 octobre 2023.
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13.3 h en tout
A pretty spectacular action adventure game made by just one person. A succinct but passionately crafted experience at around ten hours or so. It's a dark fantasy setting inspired by Norwegian mythology, where you'll explore the wilderness and depths and all the dangers inbetween; it's pretty great.

I made a video review of it in case you're interested: https://youtu.be/AhZOrxoJXfQ
Évaluation publiée le 24 octobre 2021.
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91.8 h en tout
Probably the most fun ARPG out there, please make #2
Évaluation publiée le 28 juin 2019.
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5 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
26.1 h en tout (24.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Overall, a fun and challenging survival fps. I'm extremely cynical towards open-world, survival and crafting type games nowadays given so many past failures amongst the genre. But I feel Desolate learns a lot from mistakes of predecessors.

1. It's actually finished. While I feel some things still need polish, I rarely experienced any bugs from start to finish.
2. There's a good amount and variety of content for the $20 price. I never felt bored or that I had nothing to do, as the main story and side-quests offer a lot different missions. It's not just fetch quests and killing, there's a fair bit of exploration and puzzle solving needed to progress through the game. Add on the various faction daily missions that you can complete in your downtime, and you end up with a steady stream of content to keep busy with.
3. Leveling up is extremely satisfying, skills you can earn vary from simple buffs to unique moves and mechanics being unlocked. The sense of going from weak and defenceless in the beginning to being powerful with a variety of means to take down enemies is a lot of fun. The same goes for gear, although there's not too much of a variety of weapons. About 5 guns and 2 dozen melee weapons.
4. While the main story is slowly paced, the game's environment and enemies do a great job at world building. There's a genuine sense of mystery and suspense as you explore the island and wonder what's happened. Underground areas are great and bring about memories of the immerison of playing STALKER and Metro. While it sometimes feels like those two series', the game's technology and appearance reminds me of Bioshock and Dishonored which is an aesthetic I'm a fan of.
5. Speaking of STALKER, the game features anomalies and artifacts. Although artifacts are only openly available in the 3rd act, which I feel was a poor spot to make them available as you're almost finished and won't get much utillity out of them.
6. Multiplayer is fun but can still just be as challenging as singleplayer. Your character's levels and gear is constant throughout your singeplayer experience as well as joining other people's games; although mission progress is tied to the host. It's fun trampling through areas and enemies with a squad in goofy antics in what was once a creepy and hostile island.
7. Sound design and music is pretty good, no extremely memorable songs but nothing bad by any means.

Main gripe is the combat, I don't mind it but I feel the main issue is that enemies have unlimited stamina (or it at least feels like it) and you obviously don't. Playing pretty similarly to Dying Light's combat, except you fight even more humans in this. They're guaranteed to dodge a lot of attacks, block you, change their attack to a guard break mid swing and endlessly chase after you (although NPCs always stop after a certain distance). The variety of mutants are a lot more fun to fight, requiring different tactics to defeat different types. A lot of people seemed to dislike that most enemies run away when they're close to death, while it's annoying, not many games do it and yet it makes a lot of sense. I run away when I'm nearly dead to heal, why shouldn't the AI? Stealth for the most part works well and is useful, but it feels that enemies often can see through walls. They're blind to what's behind them, but it feels like they have a cone of vision infront which ignores objects. You can sneak behind someone no problem, but its the person in a building in front of you which will somehow spot you.

The second minor issue is that progress starts real slow, I died more in the first 5 hours than the next 15. Levels are slow to gain as you can't kill much, equipment is scarce and you don't have much initial guidance except "follow the marker." The story also feels almost non-existent in the first few hours. I was concerned that the game was going to be like so many other aimless survival games. Fortunately it does pick up, and you meet a lot more characters, find a lot more settlements. But it being slow in the beginning is going to be a deterrent for many players. On top of this, I wish there were more characters to actually talk to. All the 'regular' people in settlements can't be talked to and just trade random junk. You can't even have discussions with the main characters that you meet, only when it's about the main storyline. I feel just a little bit more dialogue to be had with characters would go a long way to further build the game's lore and world. Although the voice acitng in the dialogue is top notch. With this being a Russian game though there's a few typos and things that don't translate so well. But that's understandable and easy to overlook.

Also the game isn't really 'survival horror,' sure there are some creepy beasts and some eery environments. But the main thing that facilitates 'horror' in the game is jump scares. It's scary the first time, funny the second and then just annoying the 30th time round. Music stings play out of nowhere and hallucinations jump in front of you with a loud bang. It does little more than to make your heart jump momentarilly, and then you go back to what you were doing. As there is never any danger associated with these jump scares, they're never really tied into what you're doing. Just exploring a house or walking through a tunnel and bam! Are you scared? No.

Overall, definitely one of the better survival games out there. Challenging from beginning to end, yet rewarding in its levelling up and gameplay. If you like exploring, killing, looting, crafting, levelling up etc. this is worth the $20. If you're not sold on it yet, or are skeptical to the genre still I recommend waiting for a sale.

I congratulate the developers on a fun and well made game and look forward to their next project.
Évaluation publiée le 22 janvier 2019. Dernière modification le 22 janvier 2019.
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5 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
57.9 h en tout (57.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
[Click for Video Review]
A great Soviet-themed CRPG that does well to emulate the classic Fallouts, but also feels held back doing so. Its strong suit is the world that the developers have built, the amount that you can learn and discuss with just about any character is impressive. Side quests offer dozens of hours of content, with varying ways to resolve them. Mechanics such as combat, trading and much of the game's UI feels clunky and unintuitive. More definitely could have been done to improve over the 20 year old mechanics that they've taken from Fallout. If you're a fan of old CRPGs you're most likely going to have a blast with this. If not, it'll definitely be a struggle to overcome certain aspects.
Évaluation publiée le 1 janvier 2019. Dernière modification le 2 janvier 2019.
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