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Останні рецензії користувача purgatory101

Показані результати 1–9 із 9
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
1.6 год. загалом
I've always loved a good word/letter game. This one has all the elements to have promise, but its execution is poor. The game focuses on spelling words using the colored letters that represent your skills. This leads to a game focused on picking certain tiles rather than make use of large board of letters or any real focus on your own ability to find and spell long and interesting words. The game play is slow and it is unclear how the damage dealt or taken is being adjusted. This takes away its ability to succeed as a strategy or puzzle game and just becomes a flat letter matching game that encourages spelling lots of small words quickly. Again, this has/had lots of promise but just doesn't manage to deliver.
Додано 7 липня 2019 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
7.1 год. загалом (5.4 год на момент рецензування)
After finishing both Bookworm Adventures and Bookworm Adventures 2 I knew I that the full depth of the RPG word game genre had not yet been discovered. I knew that there needed to be greater challenges, more powers, more wordcrafting and more stats. Grimm's Journey a firm addition to that genre and delivers on all of the above.

PROS: This game takes most of the core elements that made Bookworm Adventures great and expounds on them.

There is a lot of content: Each individual level has 3 more challenges to add both depth and varied game play. So each"level" is really 4 as you attempt to collect all 4 stars. The first star is always a standard play-through, the second is usually a time challenge, the third is a run-through where each monster has special restrictions or weaknesses, and the fourth is hard mode where the monsters are high-powered. This provides a decent amount of extra playtime and provides more choices on what type of game play you are feeling during any session.

Stats are awesome: The game stats that are tracked are comprehensive. Max damage with and without bonuses, palindromes spelled, the number of times you have used each letter, how many times have you spelled bacon...that is just a few. The list of tracked data is huge and is lots of fun to look over.

CONS: I really wish there were still even more powers. The "books" that you can equip can help both form a strategy or just generally make your character more powerful. I feel like more options in this category should have focused more on that strategy element

It is difficult to craft a strategic run during a given level because they are mostly short (2-5 enemies) and a decent number of enemies have powers that can change tiles or prevent you from using certain tiles. In bookworm adventures 1 you could carefully spell short words using left over letters as you purposefully work toward collecting the necessary letters to spell "Nonproliferation". A mode or "book" that protects your tiles from alteration or lockdown would go a long way toward empowering the overly calculating player.

OVERALL: This is an awesome game that exands the niche RPG, word-game genre. This game is worth every penny and has been a great addition to my "regularly played" game collection.
Додано 27 листопада 2014 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 27 листопада 2014 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 8
3.3 год. загалом
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
Sunless Sea is masterfully crafted game of sailing and exploration. It weaves a haunting Lovecraftian tale as you discover and collect mysteries, secrets and terrors. Punctuated by both eerie beautiful music and a stylized post-apocalyptic design, this game already delivers on multiple levels and oozes with both raw potential as well as already realized excellence.

While there is the usual underlying drive to garner resources and improve your equipment, crew and ship, the focus is on the stories you find. These tales are both worth money to various parties back in Fallen London as well as all to the essence of the game experience itself as they are exceptionally well-written and paint the horrific, disturbing and intriguing picture of the world. As you sail the dark underground sea you amass a Terror rating which drives the stories available in the ports that you discover as well as the strange challenges you face at sea as your Terror grows. You will perish often (especially early on) as you find the rhythm of exploration, purchasing of fuel/supplies and returning to Fallen London to barter your tales and experience for money. Even dying does not feel like a true loss as you get to pass something on to your successor (your sea charts, an officer, or a skill).

Few games evoke ambience and emotion as well as Sunless Sea. It is the first game in a long while that has felt like an immersive complete experience. Failbetter Games has paired storytelling, gameplay, design and music together into a perfect blend that would make H.P. Lovecraft proud. With what they have already accomplished by this the first day of early release, it is hard to contain my anticipation of what the full scope of this tale will be when it is complete.
Додано 1 липня 2014 р..
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8.4 год. загалом (8.0 год на момент рецензування)
Command a starship through space, hiring crew, adding new systems, fighting various alien crafts. It has a nice bit of strategy and takes some practice to get to a point where you can survive (more often/slightly longer). The game play is mostly the same most play-throughs, but there are some interesting moments and as you unlock more content you find more and more gems in this title. Worth every penny. This is a great Ship-customizing, strategy game.
Додано 23 червня 2014 р..
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13.9 год. загалом (11.0 год на момент рецензування)
I completed this game 100% before I owned it on Steam and I can still play this game today and love every second. Excellent physics, fun powers, interesting levels, additional challenges after the core game is done...the pros are endless. I can genuinely not think of a con. Everyone should play some Peggle. Still not enough peggle -> Get Peggle Nights.
Додано 23 червня 2014 р..
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33.4 год. загалом (26.3 год на момент рецензування)
More tile matching with more of frantic twist. The game gets repetitious long before you hit 10 million, but it was worth the time I spent and more than worth the purchase.
Додано 23 червня 2014 р..
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15.6 год. загалом (15.3 год на момент рецензування)
I enjoyed this game. It was another that was simple in its premise: A basic solitaire game with a few fun mechanics and a small bit of a plot (probably about faeries). Still fun to play even after finishing the core game.
Додано 23 червня 2014 р..
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13.6 год. загалом (13.6 год на момент рецензування)
Probably the best game (of any genre) I have played in a long time....and for a game whose premise is verifying documents at a border post during the Cold War, that is more than a bit impressive. The game play is tough, but interesting with more creative solutions available than it even seems initially. It is part puzzler, part morality tester, part cold-war satire, all awesome.
Додано 23 червня 2014 р..
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99.2 год. загалом (89.7 год на момент рецензування)
Do I love matching tile games...You be the judge. The game has a some nice features around swapping up your character's powers and getting gear, but all in all it is just tile matching with a small bit of rpg mixed in. In spite of that, it is easy to play and fun. It eventually got repetitious, but that was around hour 80.
Додано 23 червня 2014 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 23 червня 2014 р..
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Показані результати 1–9 із 9