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Опубликовано: 27 апр. 2024 г. в 15:57
Обновлено: 13 дек. 2024 г. в 7:05

I felt obligated to change my review to something not so stupid because I don't feel like I should leave something like this here. This game and my experience I've had with it has just amounted to a masterpiece.

Even if it has been almost a year since I've finished it for the first time, every part of the game, no matter if the objective seemed obnoxious, still gave me excitement to play more, to the point where I clocked in an absurd amount of hours in a day at a time.

Everything about this, the characters, the story, the graphics, they're just all so amazing to me. The atmosphere of the game feels so real and it encapsulates you into that feeling, which is probably what had me so locked into the game.

I could go on for hours, but this should suffice as enough of a reason to give this game a shot. One of the few games I've experienced that'd I'd give a true 10/10.
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