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Posted: 4 May @ 12:19pm

Early Access Review
I don't want to spoil the small story it has so far. Overall it was alright for the ~30 hours I put into it. Re-playability is... pretty low. When you finish you're given the option to start anew, and, I just chose to exit instead. Hopefully the devs keep expanding on it. The story isn't bad, but, it doesn't really drive the game in a meaningful way at present.

Some things are down right broken, like diplomacy. I made an early mistake of agitating a faction - not enough to declare war, but lost a lot of reputation - and even though I worked the faction rep back up to +50 (scale of -100 to +100), they would still make demands and threats. It's kind of funny, as at one point the "demand" they placed was the text "error" (instead of money or items). So I'd get a rep bump, but it wouldn't cost me anything. There also doesn't seem to be a real benefit of working rep up - no discounts or different missions (I worked two factions to +100 rep).

Sometimes characters just don't eat, or don't refill their own oxygen at times, so suddenly you see that one of them died, while they're standing in the stocked kitchen, of hunger. A couple of times I had characters suffocate well after I "undrafted" when exploring a derelict,

It's also a little clunky when you get a notification that someone is stressed or having mental breakdown. The only utility I've found there is to give them a schedule where they don't work until the bad status things drop off. That doesn't always work. Yes, I've checked the "Comfort" view as well as ensuring leisure area, beds setup properly, and so on. Maybe it's intentional design, but it feels broken.

Missions are OK, just super repetitive. You'll haul cargo, "reveal" a star system, or build a base. There's smaller less frequent ones like go fetch an object or arrest a person (which, arrest a person is actually difficult to do, I ended up killing them the majority of the time purely on accident). I've found that the rewards often just barely make sense for the time/effort involved, and if you end up in a battle to complete the mission (or end up stuck and getting sprayed with micrometeorites while building), the cost can get a good deal higher than the reward. Part of the RNG, but, it indexes a bit too heavily in the wrong direction.

The balance of "Oh no I'm going to run out of things" and "I want to build a bigger / more capable ship" with "I want to explore the story and find the end" is great. Early on you kind of feel like you're always about to run out of something critical, which, gets slightly better as you advance. Easy to footgun yourself, but also pretty simple to figure out a sustainable path forward.

I think my main gripe would just be content. Have more meaningful "things" to do other than shoot other ships and loot derelicts while hopping from system to system. The missions are super repetitive and just don't seem to offer good enough reward/benefit.

I was also hopeful to have an actual fleet of ships, but you're effectively limited to one or two depending on what you build and your play style. I did both for awhile - one big ship with everything, then two ships, one with industry one with firepower. The two ship one, for me, feel apart with consumables - fuel and power cells. It ended up being a PITA to have to find, make, or buy fuel/power nearly constantly.
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