Jere 2024. máj. 7., 10:57 
I know how u got the 6 Stars, sitting in the corner like a lil girl scared of monsters
quallix 2023. dec. 29., 5:11 
NICE CAMP.........
luki0093 2023. jún. 28., 8:19 
wallhack aimbot .... cheater noob !
Ex-TA3 2023. máj. 28., 8:59 
WH user
fuf man 2023. ápr. 10., 13:22 
no skill no bitshes
ColemN 2023. márc. 8., 9:52 
I know how u got the 6 Stars, sitting in the corner like a lil girl scared of monsters
ttvRaion 2023. márc. 6., 10:34 
I know how u got the 6 Stars, sitting in the corner like a lil girl scared of monsters
Select™ 2023. febr. 26., 10:35 
sit down boy"
But we extracted tho and you didnt :good:
Carter 2023. febr. 26., 10:31 
sit down boy
EntMan® 2023. febr. 23., 7:54 
casuak piece of ♥♥♥ noob in this game sniper spitzer ammo dog camp and hide , tresh ♥♥♥♥♥ kido
tbleekertb 2023. jan. 25., 6:57 
You are a ♥♥♥♥♥ player in showdown mate, mmr 6 & your friend 5 and running to 2 different extractions to not get killed, go fight bruh
-KipNugget- 2023. jan. 25., 6:56 
nice ♥♥♥♥♥ play, running away from one side of the map to the other, little ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Duck 2023. jan. 24., 6:48 
f a g, your mom's getting ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by all your highschool bullies
Raskol 2022. okt. 21., 6:56 
You welcome, hope you'll enjoy the loadout bushcamping hero
HauptGaymann von Dach 2022. okt. 20., 9:16 
Wuhat a Noob. Delete the Game hahahahaha
[THN] Tornadoff 2022. okt. 11., 13:58 
nice cheats, clown
† Brandmeister † 2022. szept. 22., 5:02 
na du kleiner pingabuser geh tetreis spielen da brauchst du nicht bescheissen
JerkStore 2022. szept. 14., 15:01 
Obvious user of cheats and hacks in Hunt Showdown
Shazb0t 2022. jan. 18., 12:29 
This guy be fast as ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
default 2021. dec. 8., 2:50 
aim 0
default 2021. dec. 8., 2:50 
trash rat
raindrop 2021. nov. 30., 11:55 
cringe t-bag
S入murΞi 2021. nov. 16., 16:14 
nice soft b1tches
Kenji 2021. nov. 8., 13:52 
-rep Vex Mythoclasts noob. can't wait till ur precious little meta weapon gets nerfed soon :D
kari 2021. aug. 14., 12:38 
+rep osuijja
Shaolin Matador De Porco 2021. ápr. 24., 23:08 
+rep S3 XD assina lá padim
Dosh1Rak:3 2020. nov. 3., 13:46 
Dosh1Rak:3 2020. nov. 3., 13:45 
hahahaha rofl)))) you gaming with 3g nova? looool))) realy noob))))
Mifairy 2020. okt. 31., 10:01 
Silatrak 2020. okt. 7., 9:52 
added for a trade
g0ku 2020. szept. 16., 13:16 
bro, play with wall toggled on ... then be a real man.. not a butthurt virgin no skill-
Denkle 2020. szept. 4., 13:00 
sword peek = no skill
Imortel 2020. szept. 4., 10:53 
cheater aimbot wallhack in destiny2
Insomnia 2020. szept. 2., 5:26 
-rep, aimbot, wallhack in destiny 2. trash.
MadCat 2020. aug. 15., 9:52 
camping gayshit without honor, get rekt
Exterminatus Extremis 2020. júl. 27., 13:58 
u are son of aids ♥♥♥♥♥ with ur gay♥♥♥♥♥♥ friend titan-♥♥♥♥ lover/ass licker... go try to play with out aimbot, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Goofy 2020. jún. 12., 7:32 
-rep his former names rick rolled me D:
Molo 2020. ápr. 11., 9:35 
play without camping and spamming hardlight thanks
Murtag 2020. márc. 24., 14:30 
copycat trash lol
Elyxia 2019. nov. 29., 14:13 
+rep sai mut lopettamaan tupakoinnin
76561198136675027 2019. okt. 16., 0:39 
+added idk y 😁
Magg1n 2019. okt. 14., 13:58 
add+ i am friend from server :)
Bober 2019. okt. 11., 14:04 
+ Sick god player
Ebabeba 2019. okt. 10., 9:36 
Ok ok men du tittar på taket i Simpsons seriens avsnitt lust berusad homer :D det har hela simpsons familjen
så också nakna simpsons homer pojke
fans kan skratta och skratta det säkert även om homer kull wefts och andra
:D värt taket snabbt
DarthAbhinav 2019. okt. 2., 9:48 
Valkoar 2019. szept. 20., 1:34 
Valkoar here better add me
valleb 2019. szept. 11., 1:51 
moro moro
DarthAbhinav 2019. aug. 30., 3:17 
SpongeBob 2019. aug. 30., 1:26 
Added for fun
Big chief Ock 2019. aug. 26., 9:18 
Goat aka Paint