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Portal 2

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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries
TWP - Diversion
Collection by Sejievan
"DIVERSION" Suddenly, something different happens, you are in a familliar setting but there is something off and you find yourself split off from the main story on to somewhere new, you enter this new path wondering, how many other different pathes you cou
Collection by Sejievan
Quest for a punchline is a four map series that takes place in a short window of time right at the end of portal 2. It follows the adventures of an early P-body prototype dated back from the late brain mapping experiments and who's subsequent decommission
TWP Competitions Archive
Collection by Sejievan
Archival of the workshop collections from each of the past competitions held by TWP or in collaboration with Map Labs. You can find us on: Site: Moddb: Discord: TWP Discord Discord: M
TWP - Tell Me a Story Competition
Collection by Sejievan
"TELL ME A STORY" This one's all about environmental storytelling. The good stuff. The stuff that separates a stale walking simulator from a good time. It's a sore point for mappers old and new, and we're going to fix that once and for all with that compet
TWP Picture Perfect Competition
Collection by Sejievan
"PICTURE PERFECT" This competition is all about visuals. Specifically, short maps with really good visuals. No puzzles where required, but participants could inlcude if they want. Available in the Workshop Free from the depths by LabPlay just_a_stroll.bsp
TWP Competitions 2017-2019
Collection by Sejievan
In this Collection are most of the workshop published maps from all past competitions from the Thinking With Portals Community. Some of the entries are only available on our Moddb Release due the workshop map size restrictions at the time. SUMMER MAPPING C
Other maps (non related to mappacks)
Collection by Sejievan
A colections of other tests, created for concept test or just for fun =D. (non related to mappacks)
Collection by Sejievan
WARNING If you just like solving super duper hard puzzles chances are that you will not like this mappack, i'm warning now for prevent unnecessary posts =D. Now, a little backstory: You are an unknown person that was integra
Sp_custom 01,02
Collection by Sejievan
This is my second attempt to make a map. Well, I'm not very creative with names so ... I called just "sp_custom." I hope you enjoy, and please, leave your feedback and or suggestions. ---UPDATES--- v1.1 -Map 1 *Fixed the problem with the Reflective cube be
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