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2 people found this review helpful
8.7 hrs on record
Sadly, it's either a positive or negative review, I can't leave a "neutral" or "somewhat leaning towards no but I'd still recommend the experience".

Compared to the original No More Heroes, 2 has a lot of problems. Combat is less enjoyable, the lock-on is horrible, and the big part of the No More Heroes series the bosses, aren't great. I didn't die to a single boss and for a majority of the time I was just bumrushing them, tanking their damage and dealing more damage than they could output. I never learned their patterns, I never got invested, it was just a button mash festival. The combat in general has been dumbed down, the Dark Step which in the first game was an extremely useful move that allowed extra hits onto an enemy or boss. It was difficult to learn at first but rewarding. In this game, it exists but I'm pretty sure no one knows how to perform it. Something as simple as the High and Low sign at the right side of the screen which allows you to determine what attack you should perform next so you can maximize your damage output is gone for some reason, but it's functionality isn't.

Mini-games / Jobs are boring in my opinion and fundamentally pointless. You have 2 big things you should buy which would require a little bit of grinding, and the rest (gym training, Jeane) the bosses generally give you enough money to purchase. The most expensive training session I believe is 14k? Most T-Shirts in the game cost more than that (ofc that's assuming if you do the training session first try, which you probably aren't). The Camellia MK-3 (formerly the Tsubaki MK-3 which was a translation error) and Peony are the things that cost the most money, and afterwards money is somewhat pointless. Camellia gets outclassed by the Rose Nasty later into the game, and the Peony is actually different enough from the other 3 sets of Beam Katanas that I have to make a note for it: The Peony was the most enjoyable part of the game for me. It activated my ape brain, doing the equivalent of sniping enemies with a massive club.
But that's besides the point: The jobs are boring, and in some cases (such as the gym training) are infuriating.

The main line missions are generally grindy, and there isn't anything interesting / unique about them again, compared to the first game. No matter how much I disliked Darkstar's driving sequence, it at least offered a unique experience compared to spamming X and Y, then occasionally flicking down the right analog stick. There's an absurd amount of enemies, and during the Rank 4 Boss Stage, I had to kill enemies for a solid 10~ish minutes without doing anything else, then when the murder spree was finally over, I had to kill: more enemies, the same way.

TL;DR: Play the First Game, if you played the First Game and you're deciding whether or not to play this game? You should be safe watching a playthrough. It's not a bad game, but it's not anything like No More Heroes 1. There are so many other things that I'd like to mention (such as the Health visuals changing, in 1 you got small little bonus hearts in your big heart, in this one it just looks visually the same but it's actually different) but it'd take forever. Peony is pretty funny though if someone just added the Peony to NMH 1, my ape brain would be satisfied for a while.

Posted 21 March.
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250.8 hrs on record (87.9 hrs at review time)
i played for an hour solo fighting hammerheads, spinelings, and mudraptors just to make it to the first objective and i got killed by an endworm making me lose all of my progress.

10/10 game.
Posted 22 January.
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0.0 hrs on record
i am financially supporting spasman
Posted 28 November, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
doctor venture from the venture bros' actor voices robot
Posted 21 March, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
In my personal opinion, the weakest of all the DLCs. Concept, is extremely interesting with a "Survival Horror" take on Fallout New Vegas, where ammo is scarce and the most common effective weapon is 3 knives taped to a stick.

However, this concept quickly grows boring as you have a bomb attached to your neck that will go off in certain areas if you stay there for too long, causing for frequent, annoying deaths. Along with that, this one is probably because I'm a bumbling idiot, but the game does a very poor job pointing you in the right direction, causing me to wander for way longer than I probably should, eating damage the entire time. Then the whole survival horror aspect is removed upon getting to the casino, where I was able to play Blackjack for about 15~ish minutes, and was able to afford around 200 stimpacks making all fights against enemies a massive joke.

On the plus side though, the story of the Sierra Madre, and the mostly connected story of all of the DLCs is pretty interesting, and I like how certain characters are across multiple DLCs in some sense, maybe not with their physical appearance but things they left behind, notes, and the such. My favorite one of these is in Old World Blues where Father Elijah was clearly testing out bomb collars, and making prototypes for them.

4/10, Weakest of all the DLCs. Not like massively horrible, it's still Fallout New Vegas, just... could of been better. If you're unsure, watch a YouTube video instead of it, or use a guide so you don't get lost.
Or don't, I don't care your game not mine I ain't gonna force ya to do anything.
Posted 21 March, 2023.
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4 people found this review helpful
20.8 hrs on record (5.1 hrs at review time)
It's a fantastic game, I loved every damn moment of it. It's weird, goofy, and it has this immense charm to it. Art style is simplistic, however again has a charm to it that just makes me smile whenever I see it. My only problem with this game is, I beat it in a sitting. The game isn't very long, which is pretty disappointing because I felt like for the price of the game (which isn't much), there would be more here. I would still recommend this game however cause I loved every moment of it, and I'm excited to play Shadows Of Loathing next when I can.
Posted 23 December, 2022.
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0.2 hrs on record
i don't think i got the right meaning of this game, this dude just blows things up because it bothers them, starts small with lightbulbs, music, but then they progress to birds and people and they just kill everything and i started to lose the vibe after that.
Posted 18 July, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
25.6 hrs on record (3.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I've only played for about 3 and a half hours currently, however in that time I have beaten the chapters which are done currently and I have to say this about the game.
Game is really good like... really damn good. Game was totally worth my $20 even if it was a pretty short adventure. 100% not done with it, the game has so many unique and fun aspects, movement, punching your own shotguns shells so they explode in your enemies face, the alternative weapons which aren't exactly better or worse, just different.
Of course it's pretty short currently but it's still in early access so it's not that big of a deal. There's 9 circles of hell after all, and were only on the fourth so we got some content to look forward to.
Overall review, ez 10/10 great game play this now pls
Posted 16 July, 2022.
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16.2 hrs on record
i launched a potato at some prefect's crotch.
Posted 13 June, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
6 people found this review funny
0.7 hrs on record
why is payday the heist more expensive than payday 2?
- i only refunded this because i got potato pc.
Posted 16 December, 2021.
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