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Скорошни рецензии на Monsieur Sarnos

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1 човек намери тази рецензия за полезна
12.9 изиграни часа
play it, it's good
Публикувана 2 май 2024.
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Все още никой не е оценил тази рецензия като полезна
10.7 изиграни часа
TLDR; game feels like an early access

Would not recommend the game in the state it is now.

The classes are bland, they are just different flavor of 10% dmg increase for different weapon except for Warden and Seer

Building the base defenses is kinda useless as they can never really defend the base alone and the chip damage they do when you are defending is not enough to really be helpful

fighting :
- is just press left click GG
- shield are useless as they cannot block the attacks from most of the enemy

The "roguelite" element of the game is non existent other than when you loose you restart from the start, no real unlock other than Starer Kit that give you equipment you could have crafted in the 1st min of a new run

You can basically do the same build every run as the 5 biomes with the same 2 types of monsters in them are always the same and are always present so you have very little to no adaptation between runs making them repetitive quite fast.

Overall for the asking price the game doesn't provide enough content and feel more like an early access than a full release
Публикувана 1 август 2021.
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