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Recente recensies door Commissar

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1.0 uur in totaal
Probably one of the best tower defense games to exist. Well worth trying if you're a fan of the first Dungeon Defenders and other tower defense games with a movable player character.
Geplaatst 26 december 2015.
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0.7 uur in totaal
Trion Worlds likes to make games, shoot them out, and drop almost all support entirely. The show was cancelled because it was uninspired, I feel that this 'MMO' will follow suit. It's not deep, it's bland and most regretably it isn't that fun.
Geplaatst 25 december 2015.
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0.4 uur in totaal
I played it. It wasn't worth it. If you enjoy the oversaturated, dime-a-dozen non-western shooters riddled with hackers. It's bad, the gunplay, animations, graphics and gameplay in general are all sub-par. Go play Loadout or - better yet - Counter-Strike if you want something resembling fun.
Geplaatst 25 december 2015.
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5.6 uur in totaal
It was really, really good and fun once but it seems like it's gone way down the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, with nearly nobody playing it and those that are hack profusely, making it a laggy, unplayable and most woefully of all, unsupported. If you can manage to get a game I'd reccomend it but as it stands with the company abandoning it I cannot reccomend.
Geplaatst 25 december 2015.
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2.5 uur in totaal
For some reason these awfully amusing superhero text adventures ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ get to me. Despite the expositional infodump in the first few pages, Community College Hero: Trial by Fire manages to surpass the bloat and by the end of the chapter had me genuinely pissed off at the bad guy, wanting to save a flying paper airplane and a kid who looked like an 80 year-old Charlie Brown by his description.

A decent addition to the genre but the supposed overhauls to the stat and class system in part 2 will be most welcome as the overlap and stat stacking does make some challenges trivial and others almost impossible. Overall I recommend it, especially if you're a sucker for romance because this is part one of three and I can't wait to see how my character and her girlfriend evolve through the next two chapters.
Geplaatst 15 december 2015.
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1.5 uur in totaal
While often spoken of as one of the best Choice of Games titles, Choice of Robots is well worth the praise on the variety of choices and endings you do get by the end of it. While there are not thousands of different options I did feel like my playthrough was unique as no two of my friends ended up with the same exact endings. Choice of Robots is well written, funny and at times it knows where to poke at the tender bits of the heart, though in my opinion it does fall short due to it's raging hard-on for robots.

What can I say? I'm not a robot lover, at least not a LITERAL robot fellater.

At the end of the day Choice of Robots is a solid entry into the text adventure genre and it's one of those games that give the genre modern validity.
Geplaatst 14 december 2015.
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3.5 uur in totaal (0.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Much like the other Choice of Games titles, Ratings War brings an interesting premise with a dash of romance, flair of an evolving player character (driven by choice, of course) and a stylistic read wrapped up in a cheap package. While shorter than most titles, Ratings War was rather entertaining and it definitely had one of the more well established future noir settings that I've been aching for.

Overall a great companion for a rainy day. Like all the other text games I do not recommend it for elitist ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ who don't do this genre. If you're open minded I would go with Tin Star or the Heroes Rise trilogy if you haven't played one before simply because those are both longer and far more entertaining.
Geplaatst 14 december 2015.
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7.6 uur in totaal
Sunless Sea is an interesting game. Managing to be Lovecraftian and Steampunk inspired without falling into the pratfalls of either genre, Sea offers hours upon hours of gameplay to the point where it could be considered slog uphill for players who want faster progression. If you do however have the time to put into Sunless Sea you'll see how every pinched penny can offer you (and your character's legacy, as when you die you can continue as a related family member of your own creation) upgrades to your ship, home and general life experiences in Fallen London that'll make your head spin.

While not a game for everyone it does hold true to it's roots as a text-based adventure game. It has adventure, Cthulian horror, steampunk gadgetry, exploration, fairly engaging and skill-based combat as well as a plethora of character and legacy based upgrades. The map is expansive and larger than life and seeking each far corner of the zea (or possibly the surface) will take days of gameplay if you wish to chart it effectively and avoid the death of your crewmen and officers, the latter of which all have their own personal stories and in some cases rather compelling romances.

While I do recommend this game, I can't recommend it to people with time constraints or those who desire fast-paced gameplay. Sunless Sea is a slow burn with the grandiose unknown horrors of the underzea, a place where the slower than average gameplay is there not just to piss you off but to create tension, to make every journey and every resource you manage an exercise in nail-biting.

Also, you can romance a tentacle-faced squid man.

Calamari sex/10
Geplaatst 10 december 2015.
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2.7 uur in totaal
I wish I were dead.
Geplaatst 5 februari 2015.
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4.9 uur in totaal
I destroyed an invading enemy fleet while standing atop a battleship and flinging fireballs in a skimpy magical girl outfit before bringing the written word to the public, raising taxes and having a green-haired mistress for the entirety of my future reign after I saved her life from the Smoke Monster from LOST in an ancient forest.

I also boned my own father out of a relationship with someone else for political gain. 10/10
Geplaatst 12 januari 2015.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
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101-110 van 122 items weergegeven