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Recent reviews by CrazyCaps

Showing 1-6 of 6 entries
2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Security Breach is game that I enjoyed but had significant issues that have been extensively covered elsewhere, and when this Free DLC was announced I was certainly interested in the prospect of a better experience than the original after all of the feedback they had received. Unfortunately, I feel that this DLC, while fixing many of SB's issues, adds so many new ones that I find it to not just be worse, but downright boring. It's far more polished, has a better atmosphere, and adds back in the unused minigame content from the base game, and has an okay enough story. That might be enough for many fans, but for me gameplay is king, and that's where Ruin is...ruined. What you get here is a linear experience with a number of scripted jumpscares, some new and interesting but ultimately overused mechanics, and a lacking amount of challenge and danger. While it does improve the further you get in ways, the repeated mechanics keep it feeling repetitive to the very end. Of course this is free so there's no harm in giving it go if you're curious, but I feel your time would likely be spent better on something else.
Posted 18 December, 2023.
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6 people found this review helpful
7.4 hrs on record (6.8 hrs at review time)
(Note: The following review has been updated to account for the 50fps bug being fixed, along with new info on how to potentially fix stuttering.)

Pac-Man World on the PS1 was an excellent game and Re-Pac is a solid remake that fixes most of it's problems, while introducing a couple of new ones that are VERY important to consider.

The most noticeable new issue is the potential for stutter, no matter how powerful your PC is. There's a few potential causes I want to go over. Firstly, if you have Riva Tuner Statistics Server, you'll want to make sure that it is completely closed as it doesn't play nice with this game and it WILL cause stuttering. Secondly, like too many games, the in-game fps cap is broken and also causes stuttering. Make sure that the "Max FPS" setting is disabled. If you need to cap your framerate, use your GPU control panel instead. And lastly, if you are playing on a display that's not a multiple of 60hz (60/120/180 etc), everything will look kind of jittery. While the 50fps bug from launch was fixed (which I discussed in the original version of this review), it's essentially replaced by a 60fps equivalent. If you are playing on say for example, a 165hz display, I'd recommend using Custom Resolution Utility to set a refresh rate of 60/120 to fix this.

The other main issue is that the difficulty was significantly reduced in numerous ways. Pac-Man now has a flutter move (though you can choose to ignore it) and I'm pretty sure he jumps higher than on PS1, making it possible to cheese some jumps. I will note that the reduction is a good thing in bosses like Anubis Rex and in Mazes, where power pellets now make you invulnerable to the stage hazards. One last minor issue is on occasion the game seems to drop inputs (World 2 PC callback?) but it didn't happen often.

With those issues out of the way, the remake improves many aspects. While 60fps is unideal, it's higher than on PS1 and the visuals in general look way better, if a bit generic. All of the bosses were reworked to either be easier (Anubis Rex + Clown Race) or more fun (Robot + Toc-Man) and these changes were my personal highlight. Another notable change is that the lives in mazes now work like they do in World 2, meaning one-hit deaths and 2 set lives.

Overall, I highly recommend this as long as you can get your display to be 60hz or 120hz.
Posted 8 September, 2022. Last edited 25 July, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
15.4 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
Posted 19 August, 2022. Last edited 23 November, 2022.
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21.5 hrs on record (20.9 hrs at review time)
If you like Star Wars and games like Dark Souls, Uncharted, and Breath of the Wild, get this game. It's tons of fun to play, with a great story to boot.
Posted 21 January, 2020.
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9.6 hrs on record (5.2 hrs at review time)
Let's begin with the fact that I haven't played horror games before this, and didn't watch any videos of the game. I orginally
thought that you spent 5 nights at Freddy's home. After I starting watching horror movies, I found that none scared me. Not Candyman, not Halloween 1 and 2, not the crappy Halloween remake. I realized that I wasn't easy to scare, so I started watching videos and became intrigued with the game and decided to purchase it. At the time, this was the only "horror" thing that had scared me. This game is accuesed of being JUMPSCAREs: The Game, and first off, the atmosphere is unnerving and really gets you worked up, and 2nd, there is nothing about the 6 jumpscares that are in the game and they do a good job of scaring you. People say the game is to simple, and to an extent it is simple, all you use is the mouse, but you have to watch foxy, save power, close the doors after seeing them with you lights, and keep an eye on Freddy, making it, in reality, quite complex. The game is very hard to complete and I took an hour to beat Night 5, but it is extremly rewarding and satisfying when you hear the 6am chime! The back story is extremly intresting if you take the time to look at it. Five Nights at Freddy's is a very fun and addicting game and I'd reccomend this game to ANYONE who is a fan of horror, point and click, or strategy games. I'd give it a 9.5/10. I am heavly anticipating the 3rd installment!
Posted 16 February, 2015.
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10.4 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
Great game, but it is on the short side
Posted 18 January, 2014.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries