1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 68.4 год. загалом (61.6 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 6 лют. 2018 о 21:33
Оновлено: 9 лют. 2018 о 21:01

I sank some time into Subnautica at a couple different points during early access to check on the development, but I decided to wait until release before really diving deep into the game. I'm happy I held my breath because this is one of the best survival games I've ever played. At times I felt out of my depth as thalassophobia gripped me, but the constant drive to discover something new kept me from caving to the pressure.

While I encountered several bugs and several areas that made my frames choppy, my net positive experience with the game helped me avoid feeling salty.

If you're a fan of survival and exploration (and fear of the unknown), then water you waiting for?
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Коментарів: 4
A Fish 24 жовт. 2024 о 9:45 
Daylight Savings Abolitionist 23 жовт. 2024 о 19:45 
subnautica 2
electric boogaloo
A Fish 19 квіт. 2024 о 10:09 
The avid reader will note that this review was written in 2018; thus, the "caving to the pressure" line cannot possibly be a reference to the OceanGate incident, which occurred in 2023.
Daylight Savings Abolitionist 9 лют. 2018 о 20:11 
:angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: :angry_creep: