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70 중 9 (13%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제

The Commendation Medal

Successfully complete "Omaha Beach Landing"
2024년 6월 19일 오후 3시 29분에 획득

The Combat Infantryman Badge

Complete all secondary objectives in "Omaha Beach Landing"
2024년 6월 19일 오후 3시 29분에 획득

The Bronze Star Medal

Successfully complete "The Battle of Graignes"
2024년 7월 2일 오후 4시 12분에 획득

The Legion of Merit, Legionnaire

Successfully complete "The Battle of Carentan"
2024년 7월 9일 오후 5시 04분에 획득

Mentioned in Dispatches (Market Garden)

Successfully complete "Road to Valkenswaard"
2024년 9월 24일 오후 12시 59분에 획득

The Croix de Guerre (Market Garden)

Complete all secondary objectives in "Road to Valkenswaard"
2024년 9월 24일 오후 12시 59분에 획득

The British Empire (Market Garden)

Successfully complete "Liberation of Eindhoven"
2024년 9월 24일 오후 1시 39분에 획득

The Military Cross (Market Garden)

Successfully complete "Battle of Nijmegen"
2024년 9월 24일 오후 6시 32분에 획득

The Silver Star (Market Garden)

Successfully complete "Battle of Son"
2024년 9월 24일 오후 7시 15분에 획득

The Purple Heart

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Battle of Graignes"

The Croix de Guerre, Bronze Star

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Battle of Carentan"

The Commendation Medal, Bronze Oak Leaf

Successfully complete "The Battle of Cherbourg"

The British Empire Medal

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Battle of Cherbourg"

The Distinguished Service Cross

Successfully complete "The Battle of Hill 192"

The Purple Heart, Bronze Oak Leaf

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Battle of Hill 192"

The Silver Star Medal

Successfully complete "Operation Cobra"

The George Cross

Complete all secondary objectives in "Operation Cobra"

The Distinguished Service Medal

Successfully complete "The Battle of Saint-Malo"

The Croix de Guerre, Silver Star

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Battle of Saint-Malo"

The Commendation Medal, 2nd Bronze Oak Leaf

Successfully complete "The Battle of Chambois"

The Cross of Valour

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Battle of Chambois"

The Medal of Honor

Successfully complete "The Battle for Brest"

The Order of Liberation

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Battle for Brest"

The British Empire Medal

Successfully complete "Operation Coup de Main"

Mentioned in Dispatches

Complete all secondary objectives in "Operation Coup de Main"

The Military Cross

Successfully complete "Operation Aubery"

The George Medal

Complete all secondary objectives in "Operation Aubery"

The Distinguished Service Order

Successfully complete "The Battle of Bréville"

The George Cross

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Battle of Bréville"

The Croix de Guerre, Bronze Star

Successfully complete "The Battle of Douvres Radar Station"

The Wound Stripe

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Battle of Douvres Radar Station"

The Distinguished Service Order, 1st Ribbon Bar

Successfully complete "Operation Charnwood"

The Bronze Star Medal

Complete all secondary objectives in "Operation Charnwood"

The Legion of Merit, Legionnaire

Successfully complete "Operation Goodwood"

The Order of Liberation

Complete all secondary objectives in "Operation Goodwood"

The Military Cross, 1st Ribbon Bar

Successfully complete "Operation Totalize"

The Croix de Guerre, Silver Star

Complete all secondary objectives in "Operation Totalize"

The Distinguished Service Order, 2nd Ribbon Bar

Successfully complete "Operation Tractable"

The Silver Star Medal

Complete all secondary objectives in "Operation Tractable"

The Victoria Cross

Successfully complete "The Battle of the Falaise Pocket"

The Cross of Valour

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Battle of the Falaise Pocket"

The Infantry Assault Badge

Successfully complete "Allied Invasion"

The War Merit Cross, 2nd Class with Swords

Complete all secondary objectives in "Allied Invasion"

The Tank Destruction Badge, Silver

Successfully complete "The Retreat to Caen"

The War Merit Cross, 1st Class with Swords

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Retreat to Caen"

The Close Combat Clasp, Bronze

Successfully complete "The Battle of Villers-Bocage"

The Wound Badge, Black

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Battle of Villers-Bocage"

The Iron Cross, 2nd Class

Successfully complete "The Battle for Hill 112"

The Close Combat Clasp, Silver

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Battle for Hill 112"

The Iron Cross, 1st Class

Successfully complete "The Battle of Caen"

The Wound Badge, Silver

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Battle of Caen"

The Knights Cross of the War Merit Cross

Successfully complete "The Battle of Verrières Ridge"

The Close Combat Clasp, Gold

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Battle of Verrières Ridge"

The Honour Roll Clasp

Successfully complete "Operation Lüttich"

The Wound Badge, Gold

Complete all secondary objectives in "Operation Lüttich"

The German Cross, Silver

Successfully complete "The Falaise Pocket: the Trap"

The Tank Destruction Badge, Gold

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Falaise Pocket: the Trap"

The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross

Successfully complete "The Falaise Pocket: the Breakout"

The German Cross, Gold

Complete all secondary objectives in "The Falaise Pocket: the Breakout"

The Bronze Star Medal (Market Garden)

Complete all secondary objectives in "Liberation of Eindhoven"

The Bronze Lion (Market Garden)

Complete all secondary objectives in "Battle of Nijmegen"

The George Medal (Market Garden)

Complete all secondary objectives in "Battle of Son"

The George Cross (Market Garden)

Successfully complete "Waal Crossing"

The Military Order of William (Market Garden)

Complete all secondary objectives in "Waal Crossing"

The Distinguished Service Order (Market Garden)

Successfully complete "Elst Assault"

The Cross of Valour (Market Garden)

Complete all secondary objectives in "Elst Assault"

The Military Cross, 1st Ribbon Bar (Market Garden)

Successfully complete "Battle of Highway 69"

The Distinguished Service Cross (Market Garden)

Complete all secondary objectives in "Battle of Highway 69"

The France and Germany Star (Market Garden)

Successfully complete "Operation Berlin"

The Victoria Cross (Market Garden)

Complete all secondary objectives in "Operation Berlin"