Denis   Troms, Norway
My ass, your face, what's the difference?

M4A4 Radiation Hazard is not for sale and I don't want to join your CS clan to win some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, I just play games for fun, cry more :yolo:
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Review Showcase
1,524 Hours played
This game is both the best thing ever and the most infuriating experience that one can possibly pay money for.

Matchmaking is your worst enemy here:
As a killer you either steamroll through survivors like knife through butter or get bullied to oblivion. 4 well coordinated survivors can make you rage quit so hard, it will make you delete both your computer and your life before they get to complete all 5 gens.
Playing as survivors is also up to god to decide: you either get a team good, nice people that help with both gens & distractions or a bunch of ♥♥♥♥♥ that either sabotage, lead the killer right towards you or hide in a locker.
Playing against killer can also be both fun and/or frustrating. If you meet a tunneler or a camper and they get to your, it's basically game over: you either die on a hook while the killer stands in front of you, or you get unhooked just to be tunneled and hooked again.

Another point of debate is probably balance, patches and fixes:
Balance is whack. There are some perks that are OBVIOUSLY better than others, I see Dead Hard, CIrcle of Healing, Self Care and Unbreakable all the time. Same with Jolt, Nurse's Calling, Overcharge and Barbecue & Chili.
Each new patch, fix or chapter also breaks something in the game, something that leads to... interesting results. Which is both sad and hilarious at the same depending on the situation then and there.
Some changes made by devs are also hilariously out of touch: just ask anyone about the Mori update they were beta testing in 2022. Nobody asked for it, yet somehow they thought it was a good idea.

That being said, I still play this game religiously since summer 2022. When it all comes together and everything works as intended, it slaps.
You first escape, loop or gen rush with friends and randoms can be extremely addictive and fun, same with 4K game with killer. It's a rush, which will make you come back, again and again.
Killers are also very diverse and fun to experiment with and master. There are a lot of options for different builds and strategies.

At the end of all things, I've had fun, I made new friends, I spent a whole bunch of cash on cosmetics and I still enjoy the gameplay loop. On the other hand, this game is pure ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and I sometimes regret playing it.

And this is why I recommend it for you, so we can suffer in this, together.
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Got a new friend, I call him Batty :)
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1,524 hrs on record
last played on 28 May
18.8 hrs on record
last played on 26 May
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last played on 25 May
Kraylolb 17 May @ 6:42am 
+rep pretty good player <3
JON BONES JONES 25 Mar @ 2:57pm 
+rep w killer
76561199095109706 9 Mar @ 7:56am 
Nice profile
PyramidHeadsWife 4 Mar @ 12:10pm 
+rep cutie huntress <3
homeless dorito 3 Mar @ 9:19am 
+rep best legion. got a little excited when i saw the hunk skin :leon:
HEX: drunkghostie 13 Feb @ 8:58am 
+rep you're an adorable clown, gg man <3