เล่นไปแล้ว 123 ชั่วโมง
Thought I'd jot down a quick review of this piece of art, and debunk a lot of the critiques.

So, is the basic plot walking around delivering packages and maintaining balance?
Absolutely not.

I've heard this jokingly called Daryll Walking Simulator 2019 many times, and all that shows is that you stopped playing one hour in. It doesn't take long before you have access to vehicles and equipment, as well as a plethora of combat options. Yes, at the core, you could argue you're delivering packages. But more than that, you are rebuilding the world post-apocalypse.

There's driving, resource management, combat, perpetual community indirect interactions, and so much more. Chances are, if you were interested by MGS storylines, this one will absolutely consume you. It's beautiful, terrifying, and unique. Top notch acting by a cast I didn't expect to see (Mads was awesome, and I was surprised by some others that I won't spoil). Given you do have to be aware of things like the environment and not tripping (your aren't a super COD soldier), combat is in many ways more rewarding, when you clear a mule camp with your bola gun (and kick everyone in the butt once they're tied up), take the resources, and contribute to the world. Watching the road network expand, seeing npc porters making deliveries, and really watching the world flourish from your efforts is an incredible experience.

Now, is this game for everyone? Absolutely not. It's a narrative driven journey of growth built upon multiple unique systems and mechanics that stand out in the modern gaming age. It's a story about reconnecting after everything seems lost. If you are the sort of person who skips every cut scene, and focuses your gaming efforts on TTV warzone drop-die-repeat, not that there's anything wrong with that, but this title might not be for you. However, if you are seeking something beautiful with emotional weight, and you actually enjoy the story of games (maybe you play the COD campaigns?), then this may be worth the investment.

Just, use a good audio system or wear headphones. The audio immersion and music choices add something extra, like they succeeding in doing in Nier Automata.