General links and other stuff
My Trade Link.
CombatUN Steam Group
Facebook Page [www.facebook.com]

Well, you found me...
This is my steam profile, it's really got nothing to do with my CombatUN steam group but if you want to find out more about it then keep reading.

CombatUN Servers
If you have an issue with the server (soon to be servers) i run, or want to ask me a question relating to them. Feel free to add me. (Even if it's a complaint), But don't add me just to ask if you can have Admin/Moderator. It' s a pain in the arse, and the answer will almost definitely be a No. And pretty much Ruin any chance of you moving up the food chain. (So to speak)

Server Donations
I'm always happy to take a donation for the server, I don't really need the money but it's always nice to receive a 'thanks' or just a sign of appreciation. I'm currently in school five days a week with a ♥♥♥♥♥-ton of homework, so small tokens of thanks like these keep me motivated to maintaining the server :p, To receive Permanent Donor Perks, it's just a 2 key (or $5 paypal transfer) donation, 2.5 keys, There is also Donor+ which is Donations of 3 keys or more, which recieve a Custom NameTag. Thanks again for your support c:

For the love of god, If you invite me to more than two groups, in 1 week. I will delete you. I don't mind adding people from the server, but if you're going to spam me with junk. Especially groups with raffles. May Gaben have mercy on your soul. Cause you're going straight to Steam Hell. (Joking, but i will delete you)

If you want to trade but I'm not online, you can use My Trade Link. and leave a request, Currently run quite a busy life, but i do log on and off a fair bit throughout the day just to check and see if anything is in a flaming inferno or needs a good smack in the mouth. This includes trade requests. If you find your item else where, just make sure you cancel the trade afterwards. As you don't waste my/your time. Thanks.

Well would you look at that, you made it all the way to the end.
I don't really have anything else to say at this point in time.
Tempest 29 ก.ย. 2015 @ 12: 49am 
It's your daily ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Josh here