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Опубликовано: 30 июн. 2019 г. в 3:01
Обновлено: 13 мар. 2021 г. в 12:56

Really Enjoying the game, go for it guys if u love grinding

Edit: After Playing this Game For 800+ hours i can say these about the game ;-

Graphics: 9/10 (Great)
Story: 10/10 (Well Described and Nice Story)
Gameplay: 10/10 (Gamepad Preferred)
Coop: 10/10 (I recommend playing with friends not random people for best experience)
Monster Hunter World - easy-moderate
Monster Hunter World : Ice Borne - Hard-very Hard (here why i stopped playing it. it was fun but iceborne was too difficult.. One shot Killed Every time but still if you are up for a challenge then this expansion is for you )

Comments -
Gameplay: 10/10 (Gamepad Preferred)
------> I played on both keyboard(300hrs) and gamepad(rest) Controls are Awesome <------
Monster Hunter World : Ice Borne - Hard-very Hard
------>(here why i stopped playing it. it was fun but iceborne was too difficult.. One shot Killed Every time but still if you are up for a challenge then this expansion is for you ) <--------

Recommended For People Who Enjoy Grinding and have friends/players to play with, the game is graphically beautiful no doubt there ... wait for sale and go for it
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