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Ingen har angitt at denne anmeldelsen er nyttig ennå
1.7 timer totalt
One microstutter every few seconds. The game was made with the Microsoft XNA Framework for Xbox360 and Windows games and as a side effect, the timing of everything in the game depends on the fps. Therefore, the game needs each frame to take the same amount of time. The only way to make that time consistent is to enable v-sync but the ingame vsync setting does not work: it's just an fps cap at 61 that doesn't actually sync and forcing vsync through nvidia drivers doesn't work either.

Your only remaining option to make the game run stutter and tear free would be to use g-sync with a g-sync or freesync monitor, but even that was unsuccessful when I tried it because the game doesn't offer an exclusive fullscreen mode. It's a borderless window and it still stuttered. Because I refunded the game and have used up most of my 2 hours I haven't tried again after upgrading to Windows 11 to see if it's any better but even if it is, your fps and refresh rate will then still be g-synced to 61 so the pixel response of your monitor will appear to have motion blur. And possibly inverse ghosting (especially on VA panels) as most monitors' overdrive voltages aren't optimized for 61Hz. G-sync/freesync monitors are meant to be used at 120+ Hz.

For games like this that require v-sync I often force "v-sync at half refresh rate" through the nvidia drivers so I can have the monitor running at 120Hz while the game runs at 60 fps, but it's not an option here as the game completely ignores any driver settings for v-sync.

Search the discussion board and you will find more reports of this issue. Every time the response from clueless other players is: "It's not a shooter, so why do you need more than 61 fps?" /facepalm. For a game that requires 60 fps + vsync as a crutch to run smoothly you need v-sync to actually work.
Publisert 28. november 2021. Sist endret 28. februar.
Var denne anmeldelsen nyttig? Ja Nei Morsom Utmerkelse
Ingen har angitt at denne anmeldelsen er nyttig ennå
1.5 timer totalt
Publisert 13. november 2021.
Var denne anmeldelsen nyttig? Ja Nei Morsom Utmerkelse
15 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
113.0 timer totalt (113.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Dead multiplayer. Distance is excellent, but boring to play alone. I'm talking 0 players online to race with even on evenings and weekends. You might find one other person if you check several times in a week.
Publisert 24. oktober 2021. Sist endret 7. april 2023.
Var denne anmeldelsen nyttig? Ja Nei Morsom Utmerkelse
7 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
6.3 timer totalt
Incomplete, more like a proof-of-concept than a game. Only the gameplay mechanics themselves are there. There's nothing to tie it all together and give you a reason to play. No goal, campaign/story, cutscenes, progression, multiplayer, anything at all. So after having learnt HOW to play, you are left wondering WHY.

Six hours of learning a game I'll never get back.
Publisert 16. oktober 2021. Sist endret 17. oktober 2021.
Var denne anmeldelsen nyttig? Ja Nei Morsom Utmerkelse
1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
782.0 timer totalt
IRL you can feel what's going on with the car through your bottom. In a sim you can't so unless the force feedback through the wheel is good enough to convey that information you have to drive purely on memorization and repetition. Only the ISI engine based sims Automobilista 1 and especially rFactor 2 have force feedback that's good enough. AC and ACC have even less communicative FFB than Project Cars. You can't feel the car and that makes for a very boring drive.
Publisert 6. september 2021. Sist endret 24. juni 2023.
Var denne anmeldelsen nyttig? Ja Nei Morsom Utmerkelse
Ingen har angitt at denne anmeldelsen er nyttig ennå
317.1 timer totalt (218.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
UPDATE: Changing review to negative because an estimated €700 for the game with all the DLCs is beyond ridiculous.

IRL you can feel what's going on with the car through your bottom. In a sim you can't so unless the force feedback through the wheel is good enough to convey that information you have to drive purely on memorization and repetition. Only the ISI engine based sims Automobilista 1 and especially rFactor 2 have force feedback that's good enough. It's what lets you play with the physics of the car, it's what makes the driving fun.
Publisert 6. september 2021. Sist endret 24. juni 2023.
Var denne anmeldelsen nyttig? Ja Nei Morsom Utmerkelse
2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
155.2 timer totalt (144.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
IRL you can feel what's going on with the car through your bottom. In a sim you can't so unless the force feedback through the wheel is good enough to convey that information you have to drive purely on memorization and repetition. Only the ISI engine based sims Automobilista 1 and especially rFactor 2 have force feedback that's good enough. It's what lets you play with the physics of the car, it's what makes the driving fun.
Publisert 6. september 2021. Sist endret 24. juni 2023.
Var denne anmeldelsen nyttig? Ja Nei Morsom Utmerkelse
Ingen har angitt at denne anmeldelsen er nyttig ennå
16.3 timer totalt (12.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Not to be missed if you enjoy a casual pace and a super engaging story in an atmospheric space ship/station environment that includes some - but not too many puzzles with light to moderate challenge. Best €5 I've probably ever spent on the Humble store (current sale). It makes a weak first impression while you get used to the controls and the plot ramps up, but as long as you don't give up early it won't let go of you until the credits roll.

  • Great gripping story overall, with some moving moments
  • Surprising turn of events affects the player character
  • Quite atmospheric
  • Good music and ambient tracks
  • Excellent voice overs, I got System Shock 2 vibes from some
  • Great sci-fi environment design

  • Turning the 1st person view with the mouse has momentum to it, to a degree you can adjust in the settings. This takes some getting used to. Lowering the momentum slider all the way didn't do it for me as it made mouse speed inconsistent when passing over interactive objects like doors. Once you find a comfortable setting you'll get used to it rather quickly.
  • To move, you have to use the mouse to click on where you want to go. Even near the end of the game, I still occasionally forgot and out of habit tried to use WASD to no avail.
  • One or two small objects needed to progress are easy to overlook. You have to scan each scene thoroughly.
  • It seems to run in 1080p and upscales if your monitor's native resolution is higher.
  • While you can edit the config file in C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Prominence\ to change the RATE setting (=refresh rate) and turn v-sync on/off which is on by default, as soon as you go past the main menu the fps is capped to 59 which seems to be hardcoded, so even if the refresh is set to 60, v-sync will not work to eliminate tearing and perceived stutter.
  • I can't get G-sync to work with this game. Best you can do is set RATE=120. Much smoother than RATE=60, less laggy too and much better than at 144, probably because it's close to 2x 59 fps. It still microstutters a bit but it's not something you notice when actually playing because of how movement, scene transitions and mouse momentum work.
  • I was not able to play 100% walkthrough-free. Almost though, so it's nowhere near as bad as the old Lucasarts adventures in that regard. There's an excellently worded walkthrough PDF included in the install directory.
  • While ending B feels satisfying, game development around the story's conclusion felt a little rushed compared to the higher quality midgame storyline and gameplay, regardless of which of the two endings I chose. (I saved first so I could try both.)

I am typically quite harsh on games that have technical flaws. Only in some cases do they get a free pass. The criteria for that are: the issues don't affect gameplay for the type of game that it is, and it makes up for the flaws by being excellent in other areas. This is one of those cases.
Publisert 30. august 2021. Sist endret 20. september 2021.
Var denne anmeldelsen nyttig? Ja Nei Morsom Utmerkelse
1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1.6 timer totalt
Voor een studenten-project is dit zeer indrukwekkend en dat maakt het zéker de moeite waard als je van "survival crafting" gameplay houdt. Ik ben daar persoonlijk niet zo'n fan van dus ik haakte af toen er veel gedoe kwam met items, crafting-ingrediënten en tussenproducten. Tot aan dat moment was 't wel nice. Gooi geen items uit je (volle) inventory op de grond want ze verdwijnen, in elk geval nadat je in-game op een bed gaat liggen. Modder op je lijf smeren tegen de woestijnzon, afkoelen in de schaduw en aloë vera als remedie na verbranding had ik persoonlijk nog niet eerder in een game gezien. De grotten die je met een fakkel kunt verkennen zagen er ook niet doorsnee uit.
Publisert 30. august 2021. Sist endret 30. august 2021.
Var denne anmeldelsen nyttig? Ja Nei Morsom Utmerkelse
5 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
4 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
12.1 timer totalt (10.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
No tutorial which this permadeath game badly needs, a video/PDF guide or even a manual. You'll die and restart over and over for days/weeks to learn the game by trial & error. Can't disable Chromatic Aberration, no fps limit setting, no anti-aliasing settings, unable to enable/disable post effects individually and the config file isn't in plain text so you can't edit it to get around those problems. The "Fullscreen" setting is actually borderless window mode not exclusive fullscreen, so for g-sync to work you have to add "-window-mode exclusive" as a launch parameter. (UPDATE: true for Win7 not Win11). This insult to PC gaming deserves to be rated accordingly no matter how good or bad the rest of it might be. You want to take control away from the player? Then go make console games.
Publisert 27. august 2021. Sist endret 28. desember 2023.
Var denne anmeldelsen nyttig? Ja Nei Morsom Utmerkelse
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Viser 31–40 av 69 bidrag