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Verfasst: 16. Sep. 2023 um 12:31
Aktualisiert: 24. Sep. 2023 um 16:36

This is a positive review set to 'negative' because singleplayer can't be played offline and that's unacceptable.

I picked up the GOTY edition for €8 on sale. Well worth it but an always online game isn't worth any more than that because when they stop hosting the servers you won't be able to play it anymore.

After comparing to DR1 I uninstalled DR1 and moved that into a library category called "recycle bin". I'd call it DR 1.5 rather than 2.0, or basically what DR1 should have been.

The FFB got a lot of hate but (nowadays) it is much better than DR1's and there's no way I'm going back to that. People say DR2 is harder but with the FFB no longer working against me and all forms of logic I have much better control of the car. DR2 also looks a little better, has way more cars and other content and a much improved menu system.

Unfortunately the leaderboards are effectively useless. You can't filter them to list just the times driven without assists and cutting the track is commonplace. This kills any desire to improve your times to get e.g. top 100 or top 10. Always online also sucks but it isn't worth sticking with DR1 just because of that. I do have a great internet connection and it hasn't caused any issues for me thus far.

I like the improved damage model as it forces you to adjust your speed to stay within your capability to control the car. It's very easy to get a puncture though - or in US English, a flat tyre. If you aren't a very experienced simracer you'll have your work cut out for you to learn how to not hit a tree every minute. It's not *quite* a true sim like Richard Burns Rally but still a very, very difficult game. It's sweaty. It takes a lot of effort and focus and therefore, energy. Not the game you play when you want to relax & just game.
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