a perfect circle AKA A.P.C. ápr. 10., 16:43 
Dear polish folx, after the revolution we will make Katyn look like a JOKE!
ISSAI márc. 31., 14:47 
+rep, siema, dodaj prosze, mam sprawe
angel márc. 10., 15:57 
it was so clean
◈ Used Hat Salesmann ◈ márc. 4., 8:53 
Added to inquire about smoking das guten
mike2014gamer jan. 25., 9:45 
bad player with a bad attitude
Imperator jan. 14., 0:13 
sometimes, history needs a push - me (right now)
🖤🔥𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓪🔥 2023. dec. 27., 8:50 
✅ + REP
      💌💟   💟💌
🔝      💌🌠💌      🔝
   ⚡      💟      ⚡
      💫         💫
✅ Cool guy !!!
Cracka 2023. aug. 27., 3:08 
tell monster contact me on discord
dolphood 2023. máj. 15., 21:14 
NEONFUTURISM 2023. ápr. 20., 20:22 
brod died then dipped on iFunny
botfly 2023. jan. 24., 11:51 
playing tf2 while driving 2023. jan. 16., 13:26 
this is the administrator of PornHub™ we
 have noticed you  haven’t logged in for 
1 w h o l e h o u r, we’re just checking to see if 
everything  is okay and we’ve prepared you a list of  videos from your favourite
  category (Gay Porn). See you soon!
botfly 2023. jan. 4., 2:16 
You are an awesome person. You matter!!
King Gargathor XVI 2023. jan. 3., 20:21 
+rep fun smash battle :D lets Smash Again Your Falcon is so Good
botfly 2022. dec. 12., 8:40 
🖐️TF2.BET (Owner) 2022. dec. 3., 21:48 
could we hire you? to become a rank on our TF2 thing
Imperator 2022. nov. 29., 11:01 
ringo pwning hightower noobs part 2314234123424323
brian 2022. nov. 27., 4:17 
signed by somaa
a perfect circle AKA A.P.C. 2022. nov. 27., 4:06 
was that supposed to be funny
brick 2022. nov. 27., 3:54 
very obvious this kid was raised on tiktok LMFAO
a perfect circle AKA A.P.C. 2022. nov. 27., 2:08 
guy below thinks the scorch shot needs a buff btw
a perfect circle AKA A.P.C. 2022. nov. 27., 2:04 
why would I lie to some loser like you
brick 2022. nov. 26., 16:18 
a perfect circle AKA A.P.C. 2022. nov. 26., 16:07 
ur off by 6 years dumb little baby
brick 2022. nov. 26., 3:02 
hf in the 9th grade xD
Goon 2022. nov. 26., 1:42 
Stop riding my ♥♥♥♥ bro.
[YEET] lowly 2022. nov. 6., 7:34 
+rep we dominated the ♥♥♥♥ out of that server ;)
pepsibobby 2022. nov. 5., 19:07 
+rep called me a pimp 2 weeks ago, still crying in joy
denny 2022. nov. 4., 13:38 
dude... new cod is SOOOOO GAAAASSS!!!!!! :steamhappy::steamhappy:
maidenAbyss 2022. nov. 4., 2:27 
-rep dumb @ss
RonForkLift 2022. okt. 17., 18:55 
mega pro destroyer off BOOBS :steamsunny::steamsunny::steamsunny::steamsunny:
(凸ಠ益ಠ)凸 2022. okt. 14., 23:14 
mega pro destroyer off n00bs :steamsunny::steamsunny::steamsunny::steamsunny:
a perfect circle AKA A.P.C. 2022. okt. 12., 5:11 
open to invite
sucio tombo corrupto 2022. okt. 11., 21:13 
cool medals
a perfect circle AKA A.P.C. 2022. okt. 9., 1:15 
I play cs btw
Fox Hound | Th1rteen 2022. okt. 8., 6:27 
delete cs noob
Yamkael 2022. okt. 7., 4:43 
the only rust on me is from the lack of any REAL challenge
perhaps youre up for the task
a perfect circle AKA A.P.C. 2022. okt. 6., 19:24 
do not pick fights with your betters
Yamkael 2022. okt. 6., 15:15 
douchebag emo wannabe boner
Yamkael 2022. szept. 28., 9:31 
(503) Crummy 2022. szept. 27., 11:44 
go goo glob gobby glurb
weBUYHOUSES 2022. szept. 27., 9:37 
I turn research chemicals into researched chemicals

coolermaster mm710 | 1200 dpi, 1.0 source engine sens (13.6 in/360)
linux mint cinnamon edition 20.2
a perfect circle AKA A.P.C. 2022. szept. 22., 18:26 
xe's right you know \/
playing tf2 while driving 2022. szept. 21., 16:19 
a perfect circle AKA A.P.C. 2022. szept. 20., 17:35 
you're 12
Banana Lassi 2022. szept. 20., 3:23 
tastes fine to me ;)
a perfect circle AKA A.P.C. 2022. szept. 19., 23:57 
some of these arent even bananas
Banana Lassi 2022. szept. 19., 3:33 
playing tf2 while driving 2022. szept. 1., 19:36 
step up
playing tf2 while driving 2022. aug. 31., 20:28 
step up