요니 máj. 19., 13:35 
time to damage 1000ms
oneway250 ápr. 17., 1:11 
You have a weak genetic structure due to generations of your family avoiding red meat and eggs consumption. Please resolve this at once
хихи ха ха ápr. 7., 5:49 
прими го трейд
Wwuymi febr. 6., 3:39 
+rep pretty good player
MaxTheGamer febr. 1., 21:29 
Gian jan. 18., 15:35 
+rep pretty good player
Tempelotter 2023. okt. 24., 13:03 
FreshTau 2017. okt. 3., 4:28 
but 8 screenshoots, must be good photographer
freshmoehre 2017. szept. 4., 11:06 
just 3 games, must be smurferino :/