tits for brains (Tamara)   New Brunswick, Canada
" quiet silly bear! my life doesnt affect yours so who cares? Steam banned me 3 weeks for using a braless pfp bc apparently being degraded is allowed but clothed with no bras is not? idk
║(O)║♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
╚══╝ Love you like a love song - Selena Gomez
0:35 ━❍──────── 3:40
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

leave your complaints in the non existing complaint box ill never check okay?
reee i have issues thanks i know some people got it worse too isnt that nuts
playing games is fun im not good at them they are for fun that is why games were made
daddy issues is an understatement if u thought it already
yes my t*ts are implants, daddy bought me them bc i wanted it and i love them so does he
Been daddy's toy for 3 years I'm addicted im part of his collection
Cosmetology is something i am into the art of changing your look daddy adores it
my fav games are open world explore games shooting games and arpgs like diablo II
no im not a porn star no i dont have a only fans
i live for free everything is provided im not locked down or something
daddy gets me drunk all the time and i smoke weed every day its legal hereee
i use some apps to change photos into whatever i want if u have app store u know what i mean
i love art any kind of it i dont complain and im not a snowflake so anything goes i check the steam community artwork section theres always things in there
our devart we post sometimes bc steam removes everything
most of my artwork is myself just edited heavily with filters that change the styles u would never know
why? because its called "ARTWORK" so i will make everything artsy
my real name is tamara daddy just calls me candy bc im eyecandy
steam allows mostly naked women but the moment i add a man kapow they remove it
u hate drama okay cool stop starting it reeeeeee
my filters are mostly from its free you can use them too no chargee
lastly if ur gonna add me dont send me weird things and 18+ and no snowflakes

Currently Offline
No point in filling this out for steam to remove my showcases again
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Featured Artwork Showcase
messing around reeeeee monochromed yes they got harder 😋im in a basement okay its cold down here
5 1
Artwork Showcase
cuteee im a anime character
6 1
Featured Artwork Showcase
i was trying out a cartoon filter from love the blue eye it did for a second
4 1
Artwork Showcase
i have a few leashes too he bought them for meee
Favorite Group
Hentai! - Public Group
Largest hentai & ecchi community on steam! Everyone is welcome! ^^
In Chat
Completionist Showcase
Screenshot Showcase
feels like old times its super awesome
9 2
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Favorite Game
Hours played
Screenshot Showcase
outcha gooo see ya
1 1
Shhhparkley 17 Jan @ 10:47pm 
daddy wants comments disabled:clubheart:
Owner 17 Jan @ 9:10pm 
This is my little slaves profile which i own. I own her. And every collectible and every item on her steam. I have bought it all for her. I do not beat her, or do anything crazy or rash. She is a crazy woman who needs crazy things and loves it. That's the way it goes. She has issues and it was her idea to share herself at first to show she is owned. I did not force that upon her she likes it. She's the one that gets on her knees and begs i do not force her. I am saying all of this just in case you think she is in danger, or something along the lines of it... you are mistaken. Now **** off. We love each other.