I don't like to accept random adds, as most of them are bad offers or phishing bots. Please either comment here or on any trades I might have before you add me, thanks in advance to those who do. I heavily prefer if YOU DON'T ADD ME AT ALL and just offer on my trades, as almost every add I get that isn't a phisher is a bad offer.

TF2 bucket list: 1. Obtain a Scorching Pyromancer's Mask-Check! Aaaand sold :/
2. Obtain a clean Vintage Gibus-Check!
3. Predict a major market trend and capitalize on it- Check! (Pencil Pusher Misc hype, got 15 unusual ones!)
4. Obtain a Scorching Pencil Pusher-Check! Aaaaand sold.
5. Unbox an unusual- About 230 keys and nothing yet...Giving up now, wasted enough keys that I could have cashed out.
6. Cash out some-2505$, check!
7. Write a better bucket list-More or less done
8. Obtain THE Spellbound Wrath Wrap-Check! And got a beautiful Eerie Pyromancer to go with it! Aaaaand sold the Mancer.
9. Find an economy breaking item schema glitch to get an untradable, unwrapable, unusual Ghastlierest Gibus from Valve-Probably not now that Valve fixed being able to edit the Item Schema...and now definitely not since they made the new reward the Finder's Fee
10. Make a collector's Last Breath-Haven't even found the chemset yet
11. Get a Villainous Violet Flames Pro Killstreaker for my Strange Backburner-Check!
12. Get an australium weapon drop in MvM-Not yet...(also probably giving up on this one)
13. Craft a #1 Item-Triple Check, got the Katyusha and Half-Pipe Hurdler which hurdlered me into unusual trading, and more recently got the Jungle Booty!
14. Get 90% of TF2 achievements-Pretty close, but the last ones are the hardest!

1 was sold to invest in 3, and 4 was sold for 2 and to get towards 6. 2 has now been sold to get towards 6.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day! :)
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SajtosPufi 5 jun, 2019 @ 14:16 
Added for trade
Freak4ever 20 jan, 2019 @ 13:56 
got pure ready, lets talk abit :D
Freak4ever 10 jan, 2019 @ 22:24 
will do as soon as i have pure and decided
redpoemage 10 jan, 2019 @ 16:38 
If you want to make a serious offer feel free to add me
Freak4ever 10 jan, 2019 @ 15:17 
well, i guess you could put me on the list for interested people, if there even is one. I dint know if i actually want to buy the most expensive yet most useless normal scout item out there but..... cant resist the color of grey ^^'.
redpoemage 9 jan, 2019 @ 17:55 
Yes it is! :)