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Jack the Chainsaw Man, BigFags™ owner, officialy the first 200,000 MMR player
GoNabs™ GoNewborns™ GoFаgs™

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Jack, BigFags™ owner, best player (200K MMR) and just good guy - the legend of our generation, hero of the our time is NOT HUMAN. He - alien. Jack the Alien. His age is at least 481,000 years. However, he could exist even longer outside of Earth (e.g 100,000,000+ years)
We know for sure that he arrive on the Earth between 480-481 thousands years ago. His ancestors were dangerous like him. The primal species of Newgenus family were the common food for them. Jack's family purge them of negative, bad cells (typically nab). Now, Jack founded the most financially secure company in the world, BigFags Corporation. The budget is more than 522,110,999,444,100,000$ (USD)
Jack's personal fortune is 95 000 000 000 000 000$ (dollars). Many will wonder. Why is he not on the Forbes list? The fact is that he just hid himself in it. The BigFags Corporation based on fast-food reustarants, where pro-gamers can eat famoust burger named "BigFags". and other tasty food by Jack's company. They also providing cleaned nab's resources to others. People wondering about his chainsaw and skills. Like: HOW HE KILLED TANK IN 1 SECOND? HOW HE RUNNING LIKE A FLASH AS SURVIVOR? HOW HE KILLED ME WHILE LOOKING UP?
We reveal to you the secret of his skills once and for all.
As we know, he is not human - he alien. We don't know his biological specification and even who is this (from the scientific point of view) so, scientists calling his specie " Incertae sedis" (it's real term in biology and taxonomy). Based on this, we can say that all his skills - his biological advantages. He is not cheating. Just you fаt boy with 300 ms reaction can't see him. Also he faster than cheetah, not cheeater. This living legend is member of the best team. Elite players, pro gaming.

Meet the
WeAlwaysWin Team!
Members of the team/gang:
Buster Scruggs - team leader, the second best player. Author of the Метод Скраггса . (PERFECT SILENT AIMBOT, FOV 180 + NO SPREAD + NO RECOIL izi fагсы) also ---revolver maestro--- MMR: Unknown (over 10,000)
Jack the Chainsaw - main content-creator of the team, an influential member of the WeAlwaysWin. Author(real) of the Chainsaw method and creator of #chainsaw4life promotion. Also owner of 400 unique sounds for Soundpad! MMR: Alien 200,000 (not finished yet)
Kostyan Elipepsis - good guy, player, a troll, minecraft pro-gamer. If you nab reading this, HE, THE KOSTYAN WILL DDOS YOU, AND THEN YOU WILL CRY LIKE A BABY. MMR: Unknown (over 10,000)
Ivan Semenoff - the PROGENITOR of the all trolling and owning in L4D2Officials for the narrow circle of the people. A very important person. If you not agree - READY TO BE OWNED BY ALLAHU AKBAR GANGS GANGS? MMR: 10 ТЫСЯЧ ММР НА ЦЕНТРЕ СOCATЬ HИЩИE.

Other NOT LESS RESPECTED figures in the gang:
Gabbo - a living legend. A guy who will потрошить твой род. A guy who fell пoxyй на всех. A guy who whill destroy you, and ready to talk with you, NAB. Isn't that a reason for the RESPECT? Deserved 50,000 MMR in Casual! MMR(L4D2): Unknown (over 10,000)
DYNDI - the cool guy in l4d2, i cant say more about him. Mangos Mangos!!

by Jack (solo f@@s!!1!1!!1)
76561199216855090 14 Mar @ 8:58am 
owned nabs xd
Shroud 8 Mar @ 7:01am 
Инцел использует читы)
Rex Regum 1 Mar @ 2:04pm 
xD butthurt noobs
27 Feb @ 2:00pm 
-rep cheater
mentalbosh 22 Feb @ 12:31pm 
сын свиньи с читами на игру 16 летней давности
majomparade 22 Feb @ 4:14am 
sigma boy xddd go watch some sigma edit instead of cheating ♥♥♥♥♥ ass monkey