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21.3 ώρες συνολικά
Alright, here we go again. You wake up trapped in a cell, but this time it's not just you or a single girl—there's a whole bunch of people. After a few moments of interaction with the characters, the antagonist of the story appears and offers you a choice. From there, everything starts to unfold.

This is the game that concludes the Nonary Games trilogy. As usual, the story is a wild ride, blending a slew of crazy conspiracy theories with some intriguing ideas, which certainly served as a basis for creating some amazing puzzles.

Moreover, you now have the chance to interact with other groups from the perspective of different characters. The graphics and gameplay are commendable, as well as the musical score and sound effects.

Once again, I wouldn't put too much faith in the story, but if you enjoy solving puzzles, this game is definitely worth checking out.
Αναρτήθηκε 19 Μαΐου.
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12.1 ώρες συνολικά
When I see this kind of release, for some reason, I have a nostalgic memory of the classic Sim City, which I believe was the first strategy game where the main premise didn't directly involve a conflict between two distinct forces, but rather finding the best possible way to create and manage a city

That said, let's say that in this microcosm of Simmiland, you have the premise of playing as a cosmic entity with powers to meet the needs of a developing civilization. In other words, the mistaken concept that some people have regarding God (but let's leave that for another time)

Anyway, what would be the tools available to achieve this goal? Using the cards you have in hand to solve "puzzles," which in turn influence the way the local inhabitants think to develop new tools and technologies.

The learning process can be considered relatively boring, as it's not uncommon for the player to have to start over from scratch a few times. The randomness of events can also be considered a providential factor that directly influences the level of fun for each person

Personally speaking, I think I set my hopes too high when I bought this title, but over time I ended up disappointed with the mechanics and the fun factor itself, so much so that I couldn't wait to unlock all available achievements just to get rid of it as soon as possible

Before concluding, just to keep the tradition, the game doesn't necessarily have a story, only an objective to be achieved. The graphics, sound effects, and music are simple, but they don't affect the fun factor at all

Anyway, I would just like to make it clear that just because I didn't like this title doesn't necessarily mean it's bad, so it's up to whoever tries it to decide their opinion about it
Αναρτήθηκε 13 Φεβρουαρίου.
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4.6 ώρες συνολικά
If you've ever had the chance to play the Master System console, chances are you know this game – it was usually built into the memory; the character Alex Kidd was SEGA's first attempt at creating a mascot for the brand. It worked for a while, but then the company aimed to create a character with more appeal to a younger and rebellious audience, leading to the development of Sonic. This ended up making poor Alex practically doomed to oblivion, only remembered now and then when he shows up as a selectable character in some release

But let's get back to the game. Let's say this was SEGA's first shot at leveling up a platform adventure compared to its rival, Mario from Nintendo. However, I think comparing these two titles might be a bit rushed, especially if you consider some fundamental differences in mechanics and even level development

Unlike the mustachioed plumber who jumps on enemies, Alex Kidd prefers to handle things with a good old punch. However, since he can't eat mushrooms or use magic flowers, any contact with an enemy means instant death. The game is not generous at all when it comes to difficulty, demanding absurd precision for some jumps, along with cat-like reflexes on occasion

To be honest, the game's story is kinda crazy, where King Janken decides out of the blue to turn everyone into stone (in the best Medusa style) and tries to take the kingdom's crown for himself. Your mission is basically to put an end to this crazy plan and restore the royal object to its rightful place. As you travel through the world, you'll have the chance to explore various scenarios and face enemies. While most of them can be defeated with punches or special accessories, the main bosses also have to be defeated in a deadly game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. Yeah, if you actually lose, you're simply turned to stone and die (no kidding)

This new DX version not only presents updated graphics and a well-done soundtrack but also features modifications to some additional levels, enemies, and even boss mechanics, bringing even more challenge to the game. Other novelties include collectible items along the way and infinite continues. One attraction that can't be left unmentioned is the achievements, which usually add even more value to the experience

All in all, it's great to see games from the nostalgic Master System being re-released here on Steam, and it would certainly be fantastic if others showed up here too
Αναρτήθηκε 27 Νοεμβρίου 2023.
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3 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
10.9 ώρες συνολικά
In Dungeon Village, you dive in as the new mayor with resources to splurge on buildings, items, and whatnot. Adventurers start trickling in, but to attract more, you've got to boost the place's popularity. That means completing missions, throwing events, or simply kitting out the heroes roaming your village. Once they're satisfied, they drop lines like, "Make me a citizen, but first, buy me a house and cover moving expenses." Essentially, they're just leeches. No sympathy from me when they're either paying their taxes, or simply lying unconscious on the battlefield (to be later extorted for an absurd amount of gold at the local inn)

Now, let's ponder the big question: What's the endgame here? Some argue for maxing out the village at 5 stars, others for collecting every adventurer or mastering all classes. The latter, though doable, feels absurd. Medals, accumulated popularity, end-of-year chaos — it's a convoluted mess. For me, it's all about snagging every achievement. This game's unique; achievements stack up without a formal ending. It's like being the last one in the gym, and your pals heading out say, "Remember to turn off the lights when you're done"

Enough about that; let's touch on other game aspects. Gameplay screams "mobile port" with clunky mouse controls, especially when precision clicks go awry. Graphics aren't bad, but the building rotation angles are downright irksome. Music and sound effects? Mute is your best friend; otherwise, it's a symphony of irritation (this whole experience is pretty much a grindfest, after all)

Overall, Dungeon Village offers an intriguing time sink, but it's painfully lengthy for all the wrong reasons; there's no clear end here, just a clock ticking down. Since this is the second title by Kairosoft that I've had the opportunity to try, I assume their other releases share this same fate. So if you're the kind of person who's more interested in the ending rather than the journey itself, be advised
Αναρτήθηκε 24 Νοεμβρίου 2023. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 24 Νοεμβρίου 2023.
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3.2 ώρες συνολικά
First-person shooter games have always been a part of my life since I became a PC gamer. The first one I had the privilege of playing was Wolfenstein 3D. I also spent a lot of time with an even older release, called "Catacomb 3D," which was equally enjoyable

Incredibly, when it comes to the Doom series, the first one I had access to was Doom II. So, in a way, I would say that playing the original version later was a kind of retroactive complement to the experience, in a sense

There's really nothing I can say about this title that does it justice. I mean, just look at how groundbreaking it was for the gaming industry as a whole, inspiring independent developers to release incredible mods even to this day. Nonetheless, I will try to share my impressions

In Doom, players take on the role of a space marine stationed at a research base on Mars when a demonic invasion occurs. His mission is to confront hordes of demons, not only to thwart their advance but also to find a way to escape

The graphics, sound effects, and soundtrack are sensational for the time they were released. Nowadays, the sprite-based system for objects and characters may seem unusual, but it doesn't detract from the experience. The traditional gameplay can be a bit challenging as it relies solely on keyboard commands. I mean, there is also the option to use the mouse, but it's a completely different approach from titles released later, where its primary function is to navigate the map and aim at opponents

That said, unless you're an unwavering fan of the classic experience, I recommend looking for some mods that not only update the weapon mechanics to align with modern standards but also introduce new features that further enrich this timeless classic

In conclusion, this is highly recommended for any and all first-person shooter enthusiasts; there's simply nothing more to be said about it
Αναρτήθηκε 25 Οκτωβρίου 2023.
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8.3 ώρες συνολικά
Alright, you watch the trailer for this game, and what's the first thing that comes to mind? It's probably "Peggle," isn't it? Well, the truth isn't too far from that, considering, of course, the existence of a few differences between the two titles

Gameplay-wise, the cannon mechanics are pretty much the same, I mean, with the exception that the user has the freedom to move it sideways wherever they want. The layout of the pegs also follows the same concept, where the blue ones are basically just there to get in your way, the green ones unlock a special power and the red ones are mandatory to advance to the next stage

While in "Peggle," you receive guidance from a "master" who provides a special power for a certain number of levels, in "GemBreak," there's simply a map that unlocks new levels as you progress, with the powers themselves being randomly drawn. In other words, there isn't really any attempt to create a story or immersion, so it's pretty much a casual experience at its finest

When it comes to graphics, I'd say they do serve their purpose well, even though there's not much variety, so to speak. The sound effects are okay, and the soundtrack, while not bad, can become a bit repetitive over time

Another positive aspect is the presence of collectible cards and achievements to be earned, which also contribute to enriching the experience

In the end, I wouldn't go so far as to say that this game is as good as Peggle, but it's still enjoyable, and I sincerely hope that other titles of the same genre can be released in the future
Αναρτήθηκε 25 Οκτωβρίου 2023.
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0.9 ώρες συνολικά
I played that one when it was available for free. To be honest, I'm not quite sure what to say about it, but I'll try to recap my memories

Well, you control a character who roams around, doing random things to complete certain missions. The only issue in this story is that there's no text message to provide you with any context about what you're doing, so you have to rely on your interpretation skills to try to understand what's going on

Furthermore, the gameplay itself can be classified as relatively short, and the graphics and gameplay are quite basic. There's no sound effects or music to keep you company during your journey

To be honest, this is the kind of game I'd easily put in the "gray area" because, while I appreciate the developer's effort in creating this innovative concept, I believe the experience itself could be a bit more refined

Therefore, I've decided to give it a positive rating in order to encourage the development of other titles with a similar premise in the future
Αναρτήθηκε 25 Οκτωβρίου 2023.
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11.9 ώρες συνολικά
Puzzle games, what would life be without them? I mean, there are people who aren't very interested in this genre, and there's no problem with that. But for all the others who enjoy them, it's always exciting to discover new ideas and possibilities

In "Evergarden," the main objective is to restore life to the forest by solving puzzles encountered along the way. And how do you solve these challenges? Players must use logic to combine small plants, transforming them into larger ones to score as many points as possible. Sounds simple, right? However, there are random events that can easily disrupt any carefully laid plans throughout the adventure

To minimize these issues, as players progress through new levels of difficulty, they are gradually introduced to tools that can greatly assist in strategy composition. However, these assets are limited and must be used wisely to make the most of them

In terms of the story mode, let's say it's present but has minimal influence on gameplay. The graphics, sound effects, and soundtrack are satisfactory

Furthermore, the game also offers collectible cards and achievements that, while not exactly a walk in the park, are not impossible to obtain; it just requires patience and perseverance

Overall, it's a rather uplifting and enjoyable experience. The only recommendation is to try to keep your cool as best as possible whenever a random event pops up to disrupt your progress (which, by the way, happens quite frequently)
Αναρτήθηκε 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023.
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Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
4.9 ώρες συνολικά
Which famous game franchises decided to change their gameplay style during the development of the series? One that comes to mind easily is "The Legend of Zelda," where in the first title, you control your character from a top-down perspective, but in the second one, it undergoes a transformation that could be considered a blend, combining some RPG elements with platform gameplay

In any case, this same phenomenon can be observed here in this particular case, of course, within its proper proportions. While in the first release of the "Ninja Stealth" saga, you control a character whose main goal is to avoid security cameras, trying to decipher the obstacles along the way to progress to the next level, in this new version, your goal is to sabotage and escape from a security installation

Regarding gameplay, while in the previous title, your actions are completely limited to character movement, this second episode was designed with RPG Maker. The combat itself is quite simple and limited, and in a way, it is even discouraged due to the limited number of healing items that can be carried, meaning the principle of avoiding confrontation at least aligns with the game's proposal

The story itself tries to bring a bit more complexity compared to its beginning; however, it still fails to excite. Navigating the map and solving some puzzles can be a somewhat confusing process, but with a little patience and perseverance, you can overcome the difficulties

As for the sound effects, soundtrack, and graphics, well, we're talking about a composition of the basic elements of RPG Maker, so there's not much to be surprised about

In conclusion, in my opinion, this release is not a masterpiece, but it does its job of providing some distraction without too much hassle, and one of its main advantages, aside from the usually affordable price, is the presence of trading cards and achievements, which are numerous, although with very little variety in terms of the icons' art (except for those that are genuinely necessary and depend on completing the game)
Αναρτήθηκε 13 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023.
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2 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
12.4 ώρες συνολικά
Well... To be quite honest, I've written an individual review for each one of the chapters, and since I'm not really in the mood to summarize the whole experience in a single text, I've decided to just write a short review for each title (so watch out for spoilers):

In the first episode of Sam & Max, this wacky duo's adventure kicks off with some hilarious encounters with quirky characters like Bosco, Sybil, and the Soda Poppers. As they investigate the chaos caused by the Soda Poppers and their leader, Brady Culture, you're in for a madcap journey filled with solid graphics, superb sound effects, and a fantastic soundtrack. The voice dubbing adds a delightful touch, and the game's classic humor is bound to make you laugh. While the lack of customization options and collectibles is a drawback, it's still a fun and relatively short adventure that's worth experiencing, especially when considering the remastered version released in 2020 for an improved experience

In the sequel to the series, the adventure continues with Sam & Max as they face the eccentric Myra Stump, a talk show host who inexplicably holds her audience hostage. You'll navigate a quirky cast of characters, including familiar faces like the ever-paranoid Bosco and the now-tabloid-publisher Sybil, along with the Soda Poppers parodying "America's Got Talent." Amid unraveling the case, Sam & Max seize their 15 minutes of TV fame, outshining recent live shows. This installment maintains the series' charm and humor, promising more fun in the ongoing episodic saga

In the third chapter, Sam & Max take on an assignment to infiltrate the Toy Mafia and locate a vanished mole. Their journey leads them to a casino that serves as the mafia's HQ, evoking a nostalgic nod to '90s adventure games. Bosco adopts a French persona, comically inflating gadget prices, while Sybil pursues a career as a professional witness. This chapter feels comparatively easier, possibly due to its limited content or straightforward puzzles, resulting in slightly fewer laughs compared to previous episodes. However, with three more parts ahead, the adventure is far from over

In the fourth episode, Sam & Max face the audacious task of having Max run for President against none other than Abraham Lincoln. With unexpected twists involving side characters like Sybil's new career as a dating service consultant and Bosco's Russian disguise with exorbitant prices, the humor, while not consistently uproarious, still delivers clever moments. Some puzzles prove cryptic, almost prompting a walkthrough consultation, but ultimately manageable. The episode maintains its trademark zaniness, leaving anticipation for the next installment running high

In the fifth chapter, the theme of Virtual Reality takes center stage, reflecting the futuristic concept often explored in science fiction. The story kicks off with Sybil as a manic VR beta-tester and Bosco adopting an eccentric half-elf persona with prices to match. The narrative revolves around the migration to "Reality 2.0," managed by "group therapy" members, who are essentially old media devices with an AI twist. While the entry allows for exploration in both the real and 3D worlds, the humor and references, while present, aren't particularly standout. Nevertheless, the chapter provides a nostalgic nod to the VR idea seen in "Sam & Max: Hit the Road," adding a touch of charm to the overall experience as the episode draws to a close

The season finale culminates in the sixth chapter, where the mastermind, Hugh Bliss, is unveiled, and Sam and Max must thwart his plan to hypnotize humanity. Their journey takes them to the moon, where they reunite with characters from previous chapters. The episode blends sci-fi and fantasy elements with the series' trademark humor. While some puzzles prove challenging, the overall unpredictability and craziness characteristic of the series shine through. With just two episodes remaining, anticipation mounts for their conclusion
Αναρτήθηκε 12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023.
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