

-inoZ.Multigaming (IMK, puure, blin, REDEMPTION, RaZ!eL)
-PresiZ.Multigaming (Al3x, IMK, Funny, rem1, Spocho, aTME, RaZ!eL)
-Vivacon-Online.eu (NpYKz, puure, askaa, anntny, VOLMA, RaZ!eL)

-EUROTOURNOIS.fr (h0zeiden, puure, dikay, FuRy, RaZ!eL)
-Team-eXeS (h0zeiden, Dreaming, Nath, gon, FuRy, RaZ!eL)
-Mondialan (h0zeiden, Alex, birnez, FuRy, RaZ!eL)
-Ultimate Gaming (h0zeiden, Guss, dabAAz, FuRy, RaZ!eL)
-madKRAKEN/SensoriA (h0zeiden, Alex Birnez, QZIAN, RazieL)

-Nitrado (risze, Liven, xAeee, Stooflex, RazieL)
-ePunks (risze, Liven, Undead, Stooflex, RazieL)


-top 1 Gamers Assembly 2016 with Nitrado (Liven, xAeee, risze, Stooflex, RazieL)
-top 4 DreamHack Tours 2016 with Nitrado (Liven, xAeee, risze, Stooflex, RazieL)
-top 9 Gamers Assembly 2017 with p5.mix (xAeee, Undead, Rx, sNKY, RazieL)

-top 7 Nantarena #13.1 with BaseQ.mix (h0zeiden, Azens, Kimzer, Sho7, RaZ!eL)
-top 8 Nantarena #13.2 with b0b0killerz (h0zeiden, Alex, birnez, skizZ, RaZ!eL)
-top 2 Virtual Lan #10 with REDFOX.mix (Guss, M2o, Naty, h0zeiden, RaZ!eL)
-top 5/6 KaoLan #10 with 1puRe.eSport (h0zeiden, Alex, birnez, Kimzer, RaZ!eL)
-top 5/6 Virtual Lan #11 with Mondialan (h0zeiden, Alex, birnez, FuRy, RaZ!eL)
-top 5 Nantarena #13.3 with Mondialan (h0zeiden, Alex, birnez, FuRy, RaZ!eL)
-top 1 Amat Insalan #9 with Ultimate (h0zeiden, Guss, dabAAz, FuRy, RaZ!eL)
-top 2 Nantarena #14.1 with Ultimate (h0zeiden, Guss, dabAAz, FuRy, RaZ!eL)
-top 7/8 Virtual Lan 12 with ZUSTARK (h0zeiden, Guss, leGzy, AkiVer, RaZ!eL)
-top 7/8 Virtual Lan 13 with ZUSTARK (h0zeiden, Guss, GeM, AkiVer, RaZ!eL)
-Nantarena #14.2 with Zoophile ( h0zeiden, Alex, Birnez, akiVer, RaZ!eL)
-top 9 Insalan 10 with madKRAKEN (h0zeiden, Alex, Birnez, kleiN, RaZ!eL)
-top 12 Nantarena 15.1 with SensoriA (h0zeiden, Alex, Birnez, kleiN, RaZ!eL)
-top 5/6 Virtual Lan 14 with SsA.mix (h0zeiden, Alex, Birnez, akiVer, RaZ!eL)
-top 7/8 Lan@Sup 1 with JSNEJLA (h0zeiden, Alex, Birnez, QZIAN, RaZ!eL)
-top 7/8 Virtual Lan 15 with b0b0killerz (vinckell, Alex, skizz, Brasmar, RaZ!eL)

-top 3 Virtual Lan #9 with BaseQ (h0zeiden, Azens, Dan, KIMZER, RaZ!eL)


-top 1 European Ladder S2 With CoalFR
-top 1 European Ladder S3 With CoalFR

-top 2 Qualifier ESL PRO LEAGUE S3Y1 with ePunks
-stand-in ESL PRO LEAGUE S3Y1 with ePunks
-top 1 French Summer Challenge with ePunks

-top 1 Euro-Cash with Ultimate
-top 2 Eurocup-Prize with Ultimate


Mouse: Pulsar Xlite V3 eS
Mousepad: Steelseries QCK Heavy
Headset: BeyerDynamic MMX300
keyboard: Wooting 60HE
Monitor: Zowie XL2566K 360Hz

Finale Gamers Assembly 2016
Currently Offline
Aimw0www 12 Feb @ 3:58am 
-rep, jet fgmm camper idiot server DM ! fgmm
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ c chitami
Bleeh 2 Feb @ 3:58am 
-rep cheater
Salabar 18 May, 2024 @ 10:39am 
76561199415247874 7 Mar, 2024 @ 7:53am 
ty for game
HB^ 15 Jan, 2024 @ 1:33pm 
gg aimbot noob