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king 6 Jan, 2022 @ 12:17am 
king 6 Jan, 2022 @ 12:17am 
Skyzura 17 Oct, 2021 @ 11:24pm 
ur so sexy *moans*
king 27 Nov, 2019 @ 4:25pm 
This man is WHIPPED. You heard me, WHIPPED. Once upon a time, me and this man were playing VIDEO GAMES. You heard me, VIDEO GAMES. When all of the sudden his girlfriend said "YOU ARE DONE HERE, YOU ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED TO ASSOCIATE WITH THIS MAN AND HIS COLONY OF BEAVERS!!!!!!!!!!" Taken back by what I just heard, I rebuttal with, "YOU DON'T OWN HIM. HE IS A ♥♥♥♥ING WALRUS! AND WALRUS DOES WHAT THE WALRUS WANTS!!!!" I knew that I delivered a powerful blow, his damsel in distress couldn't withstand the heat I was dishing out. The look on her face was one of shock. She formulated for a minute, then scurried off into another room. Me and the mighty Walrus would live to play another day
king 27 Nov, 2019 @ 4:25pm 
But, suddenly, out of nowhere appeared his girlfriend once again! This time wielding a mighty WHIP that she would use to smack down not only me but the WALRUS as well. Stunned by the mighty blow, I managed to stumble to my beaver feet and retaliate. I used my infamous beaver tail whip and smacked his lady across the face shooting her back into the wall. I thought I was victorious, and went to free the entangled walrus from her whip. However, when I glanced over to see if she was still dazed by the strike, I saw a rage in her eyes the likes of which I had never seen before. She raised up, glowing red eyes, and football kicked by beaver ♥♥♥ with the might of a thousand angry beavers charging. She manged to launch me into the next planet. It took some time for me to get back down to Earth. Upon landing on YourAnus, I swiftly established a mighty colony of beavers and assembled a ship that would get me back to my home planet
king 27 Nov, 2019 @ 4:25pm 
Months after the dust had settled, I returned to Texas to find my aquatic friend. Upon finding him, I asked him immediately, "Hey, wanna GaMe???" To which he replied, "Nah, I gotta go hang out with my girlfriend." My life was sent into a spiral, the woman managed to dig her claws deep into the Walrus and brainwash him to stray away from video games. I will assemble another penal colony of beavers and go and rescue my Walrus friend from the grips of his girlfriend. I know it will be no easy task, but we must unite as one beaver species and fight the resistance.