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Évaluations récentes de Someguy

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1.8 h en tout (0.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I died reaching for a necktie on a fan in the first 10 minutes. 10/10
Évaluation publiée le 13 janvier 2023.
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31 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
2.6 h en tout
Regardless of your views on life, patchnotes should only be for changes made to the actual game. The game itself is ok at best, (I literally played through this game in a single night) but for $12, just buy a game bundle. You get way more value from those 10 games than this.
Évaluation publiée le 12 mars 2022.
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1.3 h en tout
Mechanic Escape is a game i was not impressed with. I am surprised no one mentions the odd resolution which makes the game bulge out like an old tube television. While it was an interesting choice I found it hampered my skill to survive the simple levels. The levels themselves don't look half bad but I could not see far enough ahead to dodge the various traps, which seemed quite unfair. Even the character himself seemed too floaty for you to feel completely in control in a platformer designed around simply surviving. You can collect what are essentially coins but it is not required which makes it even simpler. The chasing mechanic around the enemies was what originally brought me in but even then it seemed they get cut off at checkpoints. Terrible choice. The biggest thing that confuses me however is how 29 people (as of this writing) found a review which calls this game a "rouge-like" helpful. Even comparing this to Super Meat Boy hurts my soul. Roguelikes are obviously more fun, difficult, and have gameplay that draws you in and steals away days of your life. Super Meat Boy drives you insane with its difficulty, but the character controls like a dream and when you beat a level you feel good about mastering it. Mechanic Escape felt like a online Flash game which just annoyed me, especially when the character would randomly wall-kick when I was timing my jumps perfectly. All in all, I am just glad I got this game for free. the best thing about this? Free cards.
Évaluation publiée le 26 mai 2015.
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19.3 h en tout (4.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I've barely played this game- but you only need to start playing the first level. THEN YOU ARE HOOKED. The music drives you into a fervor as enemies swarm the screen. You start fighting back- making numbers flash across the screen. You accidentally right click- only to find it clears off all the enemies on the screen. Gold explodes out of the corpses left in your wake, fulfilling your lust for loot. Then- you find the mini boss. Fireballs start flying out of the boss. You panick as huge red numbers start popping out of your character. You run. YOU FIGHT. DODGE THE FIREBALLS. MOAR ENEMIES. NEED MOAR HEALTH!

And then you realize you died 3 seconds ago.

It's over in about 5 minutes. You are bummed that you died so fast without realizing it.

The problem is you want MORE.

Then simply rinse, repeat, and satisfy that loot lust baby. 1 Googol/10 Would have quickie again.
Évaluation publiée le 21 mars 2015.
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1.4 h en tout
Short game, but the music is outstanding. The platforming was responsive and flowed quite well. This is great for just zoning out and delving into a strong headspace. All in all, GET IT.
Évaluation publiée le 28 janvier 2015.
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3.5 h en tout (0.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Got this game for free
Can sell cards for 30 cents
Still not worth the -$.3 I paid
Évaluation publiée le 28 janvier 2015.
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