Josi   Arhus, Arhus, Denmark
Very recently discovered coffee.

Other than that marvelous discovery, I am currently studying and busting my ass at school to actually make it through. On my last year now and then it's hat-on, inhibitions off and drink all the knowledge away for about a week or so. Good times. Trying to make sure i make it there :P

I enjoy the occasional game, although lately that has become the *very* occasional game, sadly. I really must make more time for ze games. I'm thinking more coffee.

Right, so, other hobbies.. Artsy stuff and whatnot, always fun. Knives (they're shiny and pretty), wooden spoons (yeah you know who you are :P), using knives for various stuff like cooking and carving when i'm bored enough. Other than that i just enjoy good times with friends whenever they come about :)