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張貼於:1 月 30 日 下午 12:11
更新於:1 月 30 日 下午 12:17

It's a decent enough puzzle game, but suffers from a critical flaw, which is that the puzzle rewind mechanic requires you to solve the puzzle before you can solve the puzzle. What this means is that you spend a couple of minutes figuring out the room, then much longer executing the solution. This isn’t helped by slow movement and an infuriatingly tiny jump. Later on if you misjudge a jump, well then it’s back to another three minutes of retracing your steps.

The puzzles start out too easy, but later on devolve into a slog, but without the satisfaction of a good brain burn. There are a few good puzzles along the way -- I was especially fond of the river puzzles -- but it never comes together in a really satisfying way. The final puzzle felt no different than a hundred that came before it.

There are some unfortunate combat sections which would have been better left out of the game. Same for all the sections requiring platforming skills or quick reflexes.

The characters grew on me over the course of the game. It’s no Portal, but the writing is solid and the story intriguing. It’s let down though by the ending. It feels as thought the game either needs the ability to opt out of that ending, or for the protagonist to be a little more introspective before going into it. As it is, you know what’s coming, they know what’s coming, and yet you can’t avoid it and they dive into it with nary a thought despite the many, many hints that they might want to think it over first. It's an ending at distinct odds with the tone of the characters, which is why it needs the writing to engage with it more before rolling credits. You're left waiting for the twist that never comes.

If you’re stuck for a decent puzzle game and have played through things like Portal and Talos Principle, then maybe this is worth it, but I was very ready for it to be over by the end.
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