12 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
Non recommandé
0.0 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 11.8 h en tout
Évaluation publiée le 23 mars 2023 à 14h29
Mis à jour : 23 mars 2023 à 14h36

An inferior Zero Escape, but one that retains all of that franchise's problems.

The writing is… not good. Everyone takes five times as long as they need to make their points, and the protagonist is the least likable character in the game, regularly engaging in some truly juvenile humour and utterly baffling thought processes. It also has the same problem Zero Hour had of characters just out of nowhere vomiting information about some obscure thing that the author wants you to know about so that their awful pseudoscience ending can come about.

I didn’t care about a single person in this game by the end, because they’re never really developed as people, just means to arbitrary endings and info dumps.

Right at the start the characters so wildly, and obviously, misinterpret the rules that they’re given that I assumed this was going to lead to some grand twist. It never does. The entire game within the game is so close to irrelevance, disconnected as it is from the plot, that it could have been literally anything.

The puzzle rooms feel like something that ending up being cut for time or money, absent as they are puzzles. There are only about two real puzzles in the entire game, with the protagonist narrating both the puzzle and solution in every other room, leading to you doing nothing but engaging in some time wasting clicking on icons.

There’s really nothing to recommend about this game unless you’re just that desperate for a poor man's Zero Escape experience.
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