HappyHaunt 7 Jun @ 5:17am 
Missing seeing you online though. Hope you are still having fun.
shiel 21 Mar @ 3:16pm 
I'm dumb. Your last post was highlighted when I got the notification for the post and I just assumed that it was recent like the one below it. Sorry!
Quint the Alligator Snapper 21 Mar @ 9:34am 
and hey there, HappyHaunt
Quint the Alligator Snapper 21 Mar @ 9:33am 
Hey shiel (from two posts below), congrats on quoting a post of mine from 7 years ago:
...just to complain about it being unearthed, by the post right above yours:
(I'm linking the posts individually in case any of them get deleted.)
Closer attention to timestamps reveals that I replied two days after the OP posted, whereas...your reply was a full four days after it got necro'd by another rando (and no one else even said anything in between).

If, on the other hand, you actually do think I'm a "champ" for that post and not being sarcastic, well, cool, then.
HappyHaunt 21 Mar @ 1:02am 
Hi Quint just stopping by to say hello
Quint the Alligator Snapper 8 Dec, 2023 @ 7:12am 
Also I just found out that my Steam games list isn't actually public, despite being set to public in my privacy settings. Browsed to it on a different browser where I don't have a Steam login and it just asks for a login. So presumably "public" actually means "Steam users only". How silly.
Quint the Alligator Snapper 8 Dec, 2023 @ 7:09am 
Sorry to take a while to get back to you; I almost don't use Steam anymore and spend my gaming time playing non-Steam games -- primarily my GOG library, currently.

The -no-browser command was disabled in one the updates in the past couple years or so, in yet one more example of Valve's removing an option that was useful to people.
†DOGNASTY† 13 Nov, 2023 @ 5:27pm 
I can't get your "-no-browser" command to work.. mentioned this on a thread years ago as a workaround for the steam webhelper taking up so much memory... wondering if you could help?

I've got it typed just this way in the 'target' entry field: ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe" -no-browser"

This changes nothing in my experience. TY in advance.
Phuderoso 6 Apr, 2023 @ 3:58pm 
About 3 Percent Of Steam Users Will Lose Access To Their Library. Steam will be incompatible with certain computers starting next year.

“As of January 1 2024, Steam will officially stop supporting the Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 operating systems. After that date, the Steam Client will no longer run on those versions of Windows. In order to continue running Steam and any games or other products purchased through Steam, users will need to update to a more recent version of Windows.”

Psymon² 14 Feb, 2023 @ 10:17am 
yo, adding just to catch up, ain't see ya on forums for long time :D:
Majordomo 30 Jan, 2023 @ 4:19pm 
Greetings, I added you because I like your reviews
Bumbefly 3 Jan, 2023 @ 12:01am 
FOXDUDE69 24 Dec, 2022 @ 8:53am 
:goldchristmastree:  :mllrM::WordE::GoldenR::GoldenR::praisesun:  :JETC::WordH::GoldenR::Pillar::winnings::WordT::maythornm::WordA::winnings:  :goldchristmastree:
Quint the Alligator Snapper 21 Dec, 2022 @ 2:18pm 
Oh, also, Yuru Camp, a show about camping.
Quint the Alligator Snapper 21 Dec, 2022 @ 2:13pm 
Ah, Mushishi. That's somewhere on my plan-to-watch list. I hear it's nice and atmospheric.
Seems you're into something of that sort.

I like atmospheric stuff but I don't think I really have something "ultimate" to recommend on that front. I do wonder if you might like the following:

Kyoukai no Kanata (Beyond the Boundary) (a story about people, even people who are a little weird)

Mysteria Friends (short series, short episodes, but intensely atmospheric and has beautiful art)

.hack//SIGN (a slow mystery set in an MMORPG, and basically the original "trapped in an game" anime or at least the first one to make it big)

Noir (a mystery about assassins and conspiracies)

Time of Eve (a philosophical series, about perceiving others differently)

Umi Monogatari (Sea Story) (a story about relationships, with some magical girl and folklore elements)

Arpeggio of Blue Steel (dark sci-fi story with some philosophical hints)

Beatless (a story about ideas of the role of AI in society)
I.Q. snatcher 20 Dec, 2022 @ 4:28am 
ah. I've actually not seen Bleach or Naruto, my own anime list is rather... odd I suppose haha. also I've been recommended Tokyo Ghoul and Attack on Titan, and I wanna watch Hunter x Hunter and other shounen animes. I think my personal faves are probably Studio Ghibli's works and Mushishi. oh and also Satoshi Kon's Perfect Blue 🤔

so what's your "ultimate" anime you'd recommend to someone like me? if you had to pick one
Quint the Alligator Snapper 19 Dec, 2022 @ 11:11pm 
Some of them are less famous, though Evangelion is a rather well-known classic, Nanoha was quite popular at least a decade or so ago, and Yuru Camp is a rather celebrated recent series.

That said, to be fair, I don't really have any of the big shounen action series or the like, on my faves. So I don't have Bleach, Naruto/Boruto, Tokyo Ghoul, Demon Slayer, Hunter x Hunter, or Attack on Titan among my favorites. Those not only tend to be more famous but also tend to be longer-running franchises.
I.Q. snatcher 18 Dec, 2022 @ 2:49pm 
oh, interesting 🤔 i've never heard of any of these actually, so thank you for sharing
Quint the Alligator Snapper 15 Dec, 2022 @ 10:22pm 
Some of them include Beatless, Neon Genesis Evangelion, the Nanoha franchise, Yuru Camp, The Tower of Druaga, Angel Beats, Gabriel DropOut, and Eureka Seven.
I.Q. snatcher 15 Dec, 2022 @ 7:44pm 
hmm, what are your favourite animes? or maybe you have a list somewhere that you can share?
Quint the Alligator Snapper 15 Dec, 2022 @ 2:01pm 
Yeah, sorry, I was looking to write a message on your profile but couldn't so I sent you a friend request. Feel free to reject it.

I don't have a favorite director, and I probably don't watch enough movies to have one. I looked up the people you named (Bong, Villeneuve, Lynch, Kubrick, Wright) and the only movie I've seen by any of them is Dr. Strangelove.

I am not sure of my favorite movie genre, but for non-music narrative entertainment (which for me is mostly videogames and anime) I seem to prefer fantasy and sci-fi setttings, drama (or otherwise emotionally-touching stories) over comedy, and a sense of adventure, discovery, and experiencing life through the eyes of others (whether fictional or real/historical).

I don't really have must-plays, and I've gotten used to the idea that other people won't have the same tastes, but my favorite games include Super Mario RPG, Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Yoshi's Island, and Mega Man ZX.
I.Q. snatcher 15 Dec, 2022 @ 12:41pm 
yeah, i usually don't accept any adds. but i was mostly curious if you have a favourite movie director, or a favourite genre

and also which games you'd personally consider 'must-plays'
Quint the Alligator Snapper 8 Dec, 2022 @ 2:29pm 
Whelp, that's even more reason for me to use Steam as little as possible, unless they make things better. I'll post there and see how they respond. Not gonna hold my breath expecting something good though.
999999999 8 Dec, 2022 @ 10:54am 
CiccioCc 8 Dec, 2022 @ 9:15am 
Don't let them zombies eat your brain
Ringwraith10 3 Dec, 2022 @ 12:43am 
Hey, thanks for letting me know! That's definitely a game I've been wanting so I hope I'll be able to get it before it goes away. :gruumcry:
Ravenholme 29 Nov, 2022 @ 5:27pm 
Thanks for the heads up regarding Baldr Sky, I just went and grabbed it off of GOG
Pimpjira 29 Nov, 2022 @ 4:59pm 
Thanks for the heads up, guess I'll decide soon if I want to get it before it goes away.
Pierce Dalton 15 Oct, 2022 @ 4:38am 
Which means K was lying about moderation having deleted your posts, what a surprise. He also lied about me having played Breeders when I had zero playtime in that game:

Moderation seems to be fine with liars, though.
Quint the Alligator Snapper 14 Oct, 2022 @ 7:52pm 
It appears that my posts are still in the "Tougher moderation" thread. At least, nothing I've posted there is marked deleted, according to my comment history.

Also, lol @ suggestions forum drama. People need to just let other people suggest whatever and stop trying to be the suggestions police explaining to people why their ideas (supposedly) won't fly -- particularly given that (1) those "explanations" sometimes involve questionable logic and assumptions, and (2) some suggestions that folks once said wouldn't ever fly have ended up flying anyway.

It's not like it's even up to the suggestions board; if Valve wants it, no amount of flaming gonna stop it; if Valve doesn't want it, even a complete lack of pushback won't make it happen. So just let people post their two cents.

Sidenote: one of the silliest things is when forum regulars express exasperation that a given topic has come up yet again. Seriously, it ain't y'all's job to babysit the forum.
brian9824 14 Oct, 2022 @ 1:17pm 
Tougher moderation thread was closed for about 20 minutes while mods removed a whole bunch of off topic discussion from quite a few different people. Hopefully everyone can stay on topic now so no more bans need to be given out from people trying to derail threads.
cinedine 14 Oct, 2022 @ 9:57am 
So they removed your "derailment" and re-opened the "tougher moderation" thread. Yeah, sure, no playing favourites going on. Honestly surprised you didn't get a ban going with it. ♥♥♥♥ these forums.
phosTR 18 Sep, 2022 @ 12:03pm 
hey, i want to add you as a friend because i liked your comment in the topic about not wanting Steam to update games.
Deyzze 9 Sep, 2022 @ 4:25pm 
Nasrin 7 Sep, 2022 @ 12:48pm 
I sent a friend request. I am the one that is reversing the operation abyss and bale games. My discord username is Aster#8747
Quint the Alligator Snapper 6 Sep, 2022 @ 6:47pm 
Hi Edmon,
Thanks for the invitation. I'm glad you feel I've been able to contribute positively to the Steam community. However, I'm definitely not a regular poster in the Off-Topic forum, so I don't think I qualify for membership in the group you mentioned.
FOXDUDE69 24 Aug, 2022 @ 9:46am 
I love this guy. :smile_bod:
Quint the Alligator Snapper 10 Aug, 2022 @ 10:04pm 
Steam has done some good things -- such as making gaming on Linux a lot more viable. But there have also been a lot of bad moves (or lack of moves toward good things), such as mangling the Steam Client UI, implementing the awards system, and letting the suggestions forum deteriorate into an arena where well-meaning people get their suggestions run over by certain people who take it upon themselves to declare that Valve doesn't want change.

I don't know what specifically you're thinking of that happened 7 years ago, though.
GuRu Asaki 10 Aug, 2022 @ 4:27pm 
But I definitely would not mind if the clown & the entire awards feature went away. It was a mistake to begin with.

My Reply:
The Entire last 7 Years on STEAM was a giant mistake; STEAM Library UI, MOD Program, Spreading Negativity, Digital Content, Forcefulness against Customers, Spreading Hate, the forceful BAN's, the Clown Awards, all of it was a giant mistake. Every bit of it.
GuRu Asaki 10 Aug, 2022 @ 4:27pm 
To think that a 7 Year mistake was made as a Permanent Change, really just goes to show how; ignorance, stupidity, immaturity, & lack of understanding, can really, really cause a lot of problems... Especially, when there are people who really really don't deserve it, & are getting really badly hurt by it... It's what I call: People really just need to stay out of other people's business, & their lives, & just leave them alone.

Are you not in an Agreement with this?

I've given the STEAM like 3 Months, the World like 4 to 5 month, & a New Government like a week... Today, i'm done trying, & done being nice, my tolerance, & patience has run out...

What about you?
Quint the Alligator Snapper 17 Jul, 2022 @ 1:56pm 
god's chosen 17 Jul, 2022 @ 1:52pm 
Pierce Dalton 14 Jun, 2022 @ 3:08pm 
My reply got deleted, but if you read the OP you'll understand why I did recommend a different version of the game. Coincidentally, we were talking about this problem in that huge update thread...
Quint the Alligator Snapper 14 Jun, 2022 @ 3:03pm 
Where's the thread?
Pierce Dalton 14 Jun, 2022 @ 2:54pm 
Hey Quint, yeah I'll be back soon. Can you believe I was banned for recommending someone to play a "different version of the game"? (Because updates will mess with mods) That's all I literally said. Goes to show how biased these moderators can be.
Quint the Alligator Snapper 9 Jun, 2022 @ 2:41am 
Haha, that crazy thing. Ironically you thanked me on a day where I've been out all day and didn't get to post.
TomokoZerra 9 Jun, 2022 @ 2:28am 
The same updates thread in suggestions.
Quint the Alligator Snapper 9 Jun, 2022 @ 2:10am 
Aww, I don't know what you're thanking me for, but thanks anyway!
TomokoZerra 8 Jun, 2022 @ 11:50pm 
:suomi:I don't have awards to give to your forum post I liked so I'm giving this instead.:SBpenguin::Finland:
BossGalaga 8 Jun, 2022 @ 7:48pm 
This user is CERTIFIED AWESOME. :sunglassesDoge::100::eleven: