
• rr []

Scared of every single of you. Even if I might love, adore or just look up to some of you. That won't change how scared of you I will always continue to be.


Zaroma, Oki, Hellsing, Kim, Kitana, Miyako, Cathartic, Opium, Rammy, Dalo, Eva, Maji, Subi, Qyu, Syjic, Emics, KiaHana, 4lice, Kaye, Yumi, Street, Mirza, ninu, Spky, jani, isy, Indo, Kec, ligaa, Titan, paga, spikee, venven, Mercer, odyssey, DarkToon, Sin, Seori, Dew, ZUZU2, True, Cotton, Shady, Dusk, 8B, T80U, Tinker, Nix, Conditioner, Faas, pajamo, Norde, Lizzy, Foxu, Quill, Kennpai, Diru, Reed, Hestia, Mikey, Usa, Baku, Ivori, Smile, kian, Hunted, Prox, Bl00, Thalia, TheMapOffWalker, SpaceVanguard, EnvyDeath, Lethal, Joel, Banilla, Mr T, Sawy, Cinua, Jin, Eelix, Reaper, Panda, Jaeger, Rex, Eater of the Galaxy, Cheeseh, Zii, Miny, Riot, Kiisari, Willowdeep, Gorby, zaile, Bluu, zami, Lumi, Kit, Lo, 51x, Tokage, Fayith, Vurmist, Umei, Cel, J, PrivateSausage, Betelgeuse, Mixxie, Sangry, Voltie, Woompy, Bug, Demo, Fishy, keygen, Kull, Rachel, Saju, Nuugi, Spider, Western, Wodwiguez, Fumi, Diablo, Blank, Chrisi, Maya, Sera, Crab, Flameous, Saraba, Battlefield, Dripkate, Han, Zefirka, Kadok, Haz, Tek, Sharky, Hex, Sarah, Emreya, Naatchi, Xtraliy, Mondaiji, Sin, Uber, Spru, Alira, Flowy
Etalase Ilustrasi yang Difiturkan
Etalase Ilustrasi

AwAwight! I-I'll twy my best to expwain the Wast Wish waid in Destiny 2 with the w-wequested elements. P-pwease keep in mind that excessive use of "OwO" and "UwU" may affect the w-wesadability of the text. H-hewe we go! OwO Kawwi, the Cowwupted: Guawdians encountew Kawwi, the Cowwupted, as the fiwst boss of the waid. They must defeat waves of enemies and c-coordinate theiw efforts to damage Kawwi when hew shield dwops. Teamwowk, positioning, and pwopew execution of mechanics awe impowtant to overcome this encounter. UwU Shuwo Chi, the Cowwupted: In this encounter, Guawdians face Shuwo Chi, the Cowwupted, a powewful Taken foe. The encounter invowves a combination of combat and puzzwe-sowving. Guawdians need to c-coordinate theiw actions, defeat waves of enemies, and sowve the puzzwe to pwogwess. Mowgeth, the Spiwekeepew: Guawdians face Mowgeth, the Spiwekeepew, in a battwe that takes pwace within the Vauwt. They must defeat Mowgeth whiwe managing Taken Stwength and using it to cweanse the team membews. Stwategic coordination, damage output, and efficient movement awe impowtant in this encounter. UwU The Vauwt: The Vauwt is an intwicate puzzwe-based encounter within the Wast Wish waid. Guawdians must sowve puzzwes and c-coordinate theiw actions to unlock the path fowwawd. Communication and observation skills awe key to successfuwwy navigating this section. Wiven of a Thousand Voices: Wiven, a fowmidabwe Taken Ahawkawa, sewves as the main boss encounter of the Wast Wish waid. Guawdians must fuwfiww specific mechanics and c-coordinate theiw actions to damage Wiven. Teamwowk, pwecision, and effective communication awe cwiticaw to success. OwO Queenswawk: The finaw encounter takes pwace in the Dweaming City, where Guawdians embawk on a unique mission. They must guide an owb thwough a chawwenging pwatfowming section and pwotect each othew fwom powewfuw enemies. Pewfect timing, coordination, and efficient owb management awe cwucial fow compweting this encounter. UwU The Wast Wish waid is an epic journey that chawwenges Guawdians with complex mechanics, teamwowk, and coordination. It wequiwes a gwoup of skiwwed pwayews who awe wiwwing to communicate and adapt to the evew-changing encounters. Good wuck, Guawdian, as you dive into the depths of the Dwreaming City! UwU9
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