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Közzétéve: 2014. jún. 22., 0:48

Spiders are a weird company. They are one of the few game makers that try to break free of the 'norm' when it comes to fantasy RPG's and occasionally try things that are little bit different than the "Tolkien tropes" of other games.

Unfortunately, they also always seem to lose interest in FINISHING any of the ideas they come up with, leaving each game half baked and not quite finished (it was the same with Mars War Logs as well).

This game is no exception. There are some GREAT ideas in this game (the fae setting is a really brilliant idea and the way you develop and upgrade your character and have it physically affect your appearance is very interesting) but again - everything feels unpolished and not quite thought through completely. It's short, ends at a cliffhanger that will probably never be resolved and with a not particularly interesting main story.

That said, there's enough there to make it entertaining for a few hours. Providing you grab it at a discount during a steam sale then I don't think you'd be TOO disappointed. It might actually work quite well as an entry-level RPG for a younger gamer if you drop the difficulty level down to easy. It also lacks the casual mysogyny of their newer stuff like Bound By Flame.

If Spiders took what they learned from this game and put it into a sequel or another game in the same world I think they could come up with something really fun...but as with their other games, instead of building on and fleshing out the game systems they create, they seem to just get bored and move on to ANOTHER short RPG with fancier graphics, a completely different setting and a whole NEW set of half-baked mechanics and they end up right back at square one again. Weird.
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