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Recent reviews by Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer

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39 people found this review helpful
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74.5 hrs on record (74.4 hrs at review time)
Just return Megaton edition, stop being an asshat gearbox.
Posted 12 April.
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1,514.6 hrs on record (1,514.0 hrs at review time)
♥♥♥ valve.
Posted 14 October, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
3.9 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
This game forces you to download garbage "antivirus" named Battleeye that forcefully scans your whole PC and doesn't allow you to play the game if you don't have the fresh last version of Windows OS.
Posted 25 October, 2020.
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77.1 hrs on record (35.7 hrs at review time)
You get flamethrower weapon, you get electric weapon, and even energy weapon. What else you could even beg for?

Oh, right. You can also control time by the snap of the finger.
Posted 1 June, 2019.
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4 people found this review helpful
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5.1 hrs on record
>99% of weapons are boring generic ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bullet-based weapons as if they were of 20th century, with extra super recoil that even bring Red Orchestra to shame.
>huge ass flat scycrappers without windows, with very empty boring dusty environment, still no fly cars
Posted 17 July, 2018.
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7 people found this review helpful
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1,074.3 hrs on record (778.1 hrs at review time)
Still hoping that Pyro get back his igniting IC and afterburn damage along with sexy screams of enemies that are on fire even if afterburn will be severely weaker, or at least different loadout for Pyro with new weapons that could make it happen just like the pre-jetpack update.

Seriously, there was nothing more awesome than to make tough-looking soldier and hwguy cry in pain like little girls and watch them burn to death like christmass tree.

Other than that, the game is okay. Possibly one of the most balanced games I've ever played as well. Just needs more players.
Posted 17 March, 2018.
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3 people found this review helpful
313.7 hrs on record (125.9 hrs at review time)
Buff Tesla's primary and nerf heavy bhop. Other than that, it's somewhat okay.
Posted 17 March, 2018.
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19 people found this review helpful
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36.2 hrs on record (34.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Currently I'm experiencing some fatal errors with this game. Basically, I'm unable to connect to any of the servers and neither "tutorial" button is working. I asked a few friends to download this game and they were experiencing exactly the same issue, which as result we were unable to play together and neither they could play tutorial as well.

I tried to report this issue to lead developer and he said he currently having issue with servers and said that he doesn't know anything about issue with tutorial. I asked a few friends and they said tutorial doesn't work for them, so I told main developer that I'm not the only one having this problem with tutorial, but he only yell (in caps lock) and scold at me in a rude way saying that he already know about "server issue", yet he completely ignored that I told him that tutorial doesn't work either for my friends too, which result him removing from steam contacts. I assumed he had bad day or something. A few days later, hoping he was in a better mood I wrote to him again and after I tried to explain the situation in calm polite way that we might experienced misunderstanding and asking him to , he just blocked any communication with me without saying anything.

When I first time witness this game I was very eager to make this game popular by asking my friends to get it for themselves and they told other friends of their to get it too (some of which claim they even purchased some of DLC) and tried to help this project all I could by reporting bugs, suggest ideas, balance issues and other problems. Hell, even wanted to help this project with my slight coding understanding untill I found that Unreal programming language is far more complicated compared to Decorate and ACS of first DooM series. It was heartbreaking knowing how lead developer treat me after all that.

The developer of this game is very unstable individual, and while he might appear nice at first, in the end he can show his true jerk face. Best advice I can tell is to not ever have meaningful conversation or give him long well-eleborated feedback, even if you happen to play with him on a server and he still trying to give you a good first impression of him while trying to start conversation with you first. I'm still hoping for the best and hope we just hit the language barrier or something else, or that he might just have hard bad days this period of time. However, if things are not getting changed in future, the negative review stays.

Now regarding the game independently. The game might feel clumsy and blunt in how it plays (feels more like unreal engine issue than anything), most of the magic doesn't even feel like you're firing an elemental based attacks as they do not even have DoT effect and most of the time look like round sphere explosions, and in current state with it's cooldowns and instant-fire abilities that feels like give advantage over enemy without proper penalty the game feels more like generic mediocre moba clone instead of proper strategic shooter with both Arena DM and team work CP\CTF\TDM gameplay. I closed my eyes on all this because it's free, made by a few folks, still in early access and because here aren't much Mage shooter games to begin with, or overall games where you can be Mage in first person and shoot interesting powerful Magic attacks against other Mages in multiplayer PVP mode. But it's still fun, and with abilities like blinking around, fireball/magic jump (similar to rocket jump) makes the game feel like more hardcore and advanced Quake arena Death Match that is still easy to learn but hard to master. However, it's still early access so things may change in future, and considering I'm certainly not the only one who doesn't like the instant-fire-abilities-that-feel-like-free-advantage-over-enemy-but-still-have-annoyingly-long-cooldown moba feature, here is high chance it might be reworked in future in to mana management instead or it will take some time to actually charge them (and the power of such ability will rely on how long you charge it) to make it more interesting strategic and pure skilled mechanic.

So as long you avoid any communication with it's lead developer, the game can be actually pretty enjoyeble and fun, and as long the game actually works. Let's not forget that if you want to play this game now, you probably will not be able to do that because of the server bug mentioned above. Nor be able to try it's tutorial just to see what this game is about.

This game still take some special part in my heart and even though I had conflict with it's developer and the game simply doesn'r work now, I really hope things to change in future soon and even hope so that it's not the nature of developer itself but rather the fact that he had rough days earlier and such bad misunderstandings can be solved.
Posted 14 September, 2017.
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4 people found this review helpful
3.7 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
Promised a good Magic gameplay with versatile combat and different magic. In reality, swordfags are overpowered and w+m1 is the only true strategy to victory, while the only ranged class with Magic is a situational support trash with really low damage, that easily could be deflected back at you anyway so your ranged attack becomes 100% worthless regardless of your aim, and the rest of abilities that add extra advantages for the cost of cooldown just turn game feel like boring generic moba.
Posted 8 September, 2017.
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9 people found this review helpful
121.2 hrs on record (120.9 hrs at review time)
This game try to sell itself as "Badass Mage Simulator", but it's not a proper Mage game, to be honest I can't even call it a Magic shooter to begin with. At best, you get feeling that you play as megaman: first person akshonz that can't even jump (let alone flying\levitate like in morrowind) and have serious lusting fetish for huge numbers.

Basically, the only way to play this game is spam projectiles, and the longer you progress the more projectiles you need to spam. You have AoE? Well, you better use it for stager amplifier (mastery) that does 0 damage and makes your projectiles do even moar damage, and to make it even moar, moar damage, make sure it's used with another combination of debuff (control) AoE, otherwise it's just a waste of AoE ability. You might think that you stacking amplifier (mastery) and debuff (control) will you let any other damaging attack (destuction) do insane damage to them including rays and pool, but nah, the only thing that for sure will do the insane damage and fulfill the synergy as well will be the instant burst damage attacks (projectiles, impact areas aoe) as the only good choice, but considering that AoE is takes too long to actually fully charge and aim it is often impossible at some airbone targets, the projectiles with implemented aimbot is always the right choice. Projectiles, projectiles and projectiles again; that's the real master race of how to play this game.

Wanna cause armageddon, manipulate time, teleport from one end of map to another wherever you point, manipulate weather and summon lightning storms, able to control telekinesis and push up and forth enemies like Yoda, summon\conjure\create minions to fight for your by your own will? Sorry buddy, wrong game. While this game has something that called "synergy" that lets you do some of these fun things like summon single tiny mini meteor or summon a single minion to fight for you (which is not much of things they let you use, it basically only a different reskined burst damage skills, a few constant damaging skills and few of summons), you're technically not allowed to call them on by will, you'd have to rip your arse off, to full fill that a scale in order to use it a SINGLE TIME only, and unless you have no interest in combination of amplifier damage AoE + debuff AoE to do insanely undeserved overkill damage to single weakling skeleton to fullfill your huge number fetish and fullfill the synergy scale in 1-2 hits, it will take you literally a full playthrough through whole level to fullfill it only once or at best twice, especially if you're a fan of beautiful Pool and awesome looking Rays.

Never gonna bait on the same "hurr durr no mana ur puwurful baetlmage" tricking lie. They'd better actually put mana system which would serve as some kind of cooldown\balance system so you'd could use actually powerful and awesome skills once 20 second or spam boring projectiles non-stop for 40 seconds than have this.

The worst feature I really despited in ANY game where you play as Mage, is the freaking boring lame skills\spells which do not kill or even do damage, but only amplifier damage of other enemies or place pitiful effect on them like stun that are used only for mere combination, and in this game it's not only in there, but the game forces down your throat to abuse these elements ALL THE FREAKING TIME. You wanna use fun and interesting synergies attack that trully make you feel versatile Mage with lots of knowledge and skills? Nah, go spam more projectiles. You wanna have versatile and variety gameplay where you could shoot lightningbolt strikes out of hands, zapping and damaging enemies at the same time, control time and space, teleport from place to place, summon armageddon while flying at the same time? Screw you, this is not a game where you play as Mage, you play as pitiful egocentric weakling dummie who can't even perform elemental jump and that fall on ground from a single arrow hit and whose power he gets of fancy trinket from a stranger that at best let you fade 3 meters far at best. You wanna use fun and beautiful AoE damaging pool and Ray attack that makes you feel like you're shooting flamethrower out of your hand and burning everything around?? Too bad, damage of these is pitifully small and you'd be forced to use the same boring overused combination cancer of debuff + amplifier + le powerfulz projectile to achieve the effect of "omg see how I rekt dat scrub, I've did 234239048239048238 gorrilion of damage to that single defenseless scrub with this projectile Xdddd oh wow these huge numbers give me so huge boner ; ; I literally love this game 10\10 gonna fap again".

I've talk about projectiles a lot, but projectiles itself is not bad thing if they are just beginning element that let you used in the very beginning of game and not force you rely on it all the time, or at least have real upgrade\vartiety of these. Now what projectiles in this game are? Just literally a slow moving dart that you must charge in order to do decent damage and not fully charged projectiles here is merely for visuals since it hardly have any use if any since it won't kill even weakest enemy and DPS wise it's irrelevant, i.e. there is literally no reason to spam projectiles not fully charged, and casting not fully charged projectile is even some kind of punishment you get for not fully charge it, because not only it does weak damage, but will be a waste if you use it against amplified stagger damage + debuffed enemy that won't get le "apocalyptical" huge number damage. And yes, it have aimbot, means you're not even trully in power and control of your spells\powers\skills, and they automatically find what target they should aim at even if you want to hit the other guy next to him or one deadly demon far away rather than this pitiful skeleton infront of you; yet some enemies can dodge this projectile at range, so you can't even predict the enemie's future movement and aim it there to trick them and hit them if they dodge. Oh, and projectiles has no AoE splash radius damage, not even these that visually have one; means, if you hit a floor or a wall next to a enemy single milimeter away, it won't do a jackcrap to him.
The game also has grenade-like spells, but these are even slower and range is so small it won't have much of use unless you just want to have fun spaming it everywhere; the game also have Ray, but like I mentioned about it earlier, the damage, range, DPS is sooo tiny, yet while using it you're completely immobilized (or very very slow to be exact), and doesn't even do instant insane damage against damage amplified + debuffed enemy, so there is literally no use for it.
And the most sad thing is, even same attacks are divided by 3 category of destruction, control and mastery. I.e. if you craft a Fire Ray, you either be able to damage enemies with flame and they will never set on fire, no matter how long you will hitting them, or will set them on fire but the flaming ray itself of +700 celsius fire will do 0 damage to enemies, no matter how long you will hitting them. That is not only unrealistic, but absolutely anti-fun, dissapointing, frustrating and annoying.

The craft system is quite the cluster♥♥♥♥ which is mostly a luck based, and often just give you feel like it's here to waste your time even more. The leveing system is even bigger dissapointment, since if you change your element, you lose all the effort and time you spend in to it to level it up.

The game itself is relatively very easy and short if anything, but at the same time very annoying, frustrating, boring, awfully desgined, overely emphasized (unbalanced) toward certain features and very repeative. Not to mention developers do not really cared about what people say or suggest, since there been really a lot of people asking developers back when the game was in alpha stage to allow the player to carry all 8 elements with him rather than just 3, which is not something too hard to implement.
Posted 10 March, 2017. Last edited 10 March, 2017.
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