peaked 6159 elo faceit 2022
Screenshot Showcase
Counter-Strike 2
❤ OrdOetPax–¦– 5 Jul @ 1:44pm 
Hi, I am reporting this player because he is cheating in a CS game.

This behavior is obvious cheating for experienced players like aimbot or wallhack.
The player regularly:
-shoots precisely at my head and my colleagues'as well, he does it even on the run
-shoots through walls straight to the head
-comes up behind me and kills me with a knife multiple times
-in a match knowing my position and leans out aiming at me and shoots right in the head
-shooting while invisible in the smoke isn't a challenge for him either
- maybe he's smurfing, you can see that he has a new account and only a few hundred hours in the game and only shoots in the head
-shooting while runing is also against game logic but not for him^^

Its new acc has only a few hours and play like that or previous acc was banned and now smurfing...

Because of such players, the game loses its attractiveness and the time invested in it loses its value.

Please fix this, thank you in advance
Rudja 1 Jul @ 1:59pm 
will get ban shortly.
d jok 19 May @ 5:54am 
biggest denmark bot
Artorias 18 Apr @ 3:47pm 
diue inhell
rickey 5.kell! 18 Apr @ 12:17pm 
a rák egye ki a gyomrodat reggelre te buzeráns dán köcsög!!
podrubaj. 15 Feb @ 3:27pm