Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
kendrick lmao 17 Sep, 2021 @ 7:56am 
屌你老母 17 Sep, 2021 @ 7:51am 
kendrick lmao 17 Sep, 2021 @ 7:48am 
Ok let me help you out with this one, Saying Pineapple does not belong on pizza is like saying poop does not belong in the toilet, but rather on the floor, it's bizarre right?, where else am i going to $hit if not inside the toilet, heck my parents would even kick me out of the house, i know i'm a fully grown 42 years old human being but godd@m i ain't not fancy sleeping on the pavement with rats and cockroaches, heck i'd rather $hit on the floor of my bathroom over living such a life, smh ... so please don't say that poop does not belong inside of the toilet, it's a really naive and weak argument that can be countered in many ways, anyways, the other day i tried eating this pizza that had some sort of a yellow sweet fruit on it and it was so yucky, i really feel like people sometimes goes way too far with food ... i'm definitely sticking to my batmeat pizza for sure. don't trust any of these new flavors coming out nowadays smh...
Mamba 16 Jun, 2021 @ 6:47am 
If you’re under⬇️ 25 years old 👵🏼 — or an immature 30-plus➕ — I’m about to set your ass 🍑straight➖.

So, listen 🦻🏽up.⬆️

Your music 🎵🎤is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ garbage🗑

There, I said 🗣it.

Mindless 🧠crap💩. Eardrum🦻🏽-bursting💥dagger-🗡in-the-eyes👀, ass-🍑bagging, blow your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ brains out 🤯🔫— unadulterated ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥💩. That pretty much sums up ⤴️the type of music 🎼that’s popular with today’s young people👱🏽‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️.

Your music 🎶hasn’t ❌got life. It’s ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dead💀. Your music 🎹is void 🔳of humanity🤰🏻🙆🏼‍♀️🤦🏾. It’s as fake as a porn 👉🏻👌🏻queen’s 👸🏿orgasm⭕️. There’s no ❎soul. It’s tripe🎣. It’s a carp 🐟in the sea🌊 of music🎸. The stuff you 👂 to was created by ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ machines⚙️🤖.
kendrick lmao 30 May, 2021 @ 9:27pm 
If you’re under⬇️ 25 years old 👵🏼 — or an immature 30-plus➕ — I’m about to set your ass 🍑straight➖.

So, listen 🦻🏽up.⬆️

Your music 🎵🎤is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ garbage🗑

There, I said 🗣it.

Mindless 🧠crap💩. Eardrum🦻🏽-bursting💥dagger-🗡in-the-eyes👀, ass-🍑bagging, blow your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ brains out 🤯🔫— unadulterated ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥💩. That pretty much sums up ⤴️the type of music 🎼that’s popular with today’s young people👱🏽‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️.

Your music 🎶hasn’t ❌got life. It’s ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dead💀. Your music 🎹is void 🔳of humanity🤰🏻🙆🏼‍♀️🤦🏾. It’s as fake as a porn 👉🏻👌🏻queen’s 👸🏿orgasm⭕️. There’s no ❎soul. It’s tripe🎣. It’s a carp 🐟in the sea🌊 of music🎸. The stuff you 👂 to was created by ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ machines⚙️🤖.
Mamba 28 Mar, 2021 @ 9:46am 
⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠁ 👁️ ⠄⢹⣿⡗⠄ 👁️ ⢄⡀⣾⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿