Filthy Climb Axe
Snipping Quads   Australia
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Unique 26 Dec, 2017 @ 4:50am 
10/10 Slut, Been around the block multiple times, Only takes 2 dollars to please. (On a good day, cheaper most days). has H.I.V and a STD, But, knows how to show a good time. Would recommend to gay midgets, as that is what his into.
TRE Hitman 13 Dec, 2017 @ 10:54am 
THIS IS SERIOUS!!!! (My RSN is [1000SaladDressing] as well)

So there is this girl on runescape that I always talk to and stuff and I want to have a runescape wedding. I proposed to her after i slayed a moss giant and saved her life. (I actually met her when she was lighting willow logs at draynor village, let's just say she also lit the fire in my heart ;) )

The location will be at Varrock Altar December 20th at 1:00pm-2:00pm my time (I live in Arizona, USA so whatever time zone that is...)

I will be paying:

• 50k to all guests who come for the full hour

• 60K to bouncers (must be cmbt lvl 200)

• 75k to people dancing around a jukebox

• 80k to bartenders (obliged to carry full inventory of beer and sell for 5gp each)

• 100k to priest who marries us

• 100k to my best man (AND BRIDESMAIDS NOW)

• 100k to people to pretend to be my family and throw confetti down aisle

• a diamond ring for my fiancé!