
Rook!! 最近的評論

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總時數 7.7 小時 (評論時已進行 4.9 小時)
It's Siege if it was actually a Rainbow Six game.
張貼於 2020 年 10 月 29 日。
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總時數 2.5 小時
Janki's pretty fun thus far. If you've every played Etrian Odyssey, but wished it had a story more akin to Dangan Ronpa, for 30 bucks this'll scratch your itch. Hard sell at 60, though, grab it while the sale lasts. Characters are pretty wacky at this point, but it's more endearing than annoying thus far. Will update review after more time for a better comment on that.
張貼於 2019 年 6 月 30 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 5.2 小時
TLDL; Great core game plagued by unfun occasionally unavoidable damage without any semblance of health pickups provided to compensate. Game is more about unlocking the checkpoints rather than blowing through the whole thing in one go, which they don't really try to tell you. They don't really try and tell you a lot of really important things, like your ability to check a mini-map or look at your items to see their descriptions.

Strafe is a game that asks you to meet it a little more than halfway to get the most out of it. There are a lot of ways to play Strafe; you can adopt a highly conservative approach, and while that's effective--sometimes--it isn't very fun. If you play it the way it wants to be played, jumping *OVER* enemies instead of running away from them (this is why your jump is floaty, get good, hopscotch over, get fancy with it, experiment, take risks), taking quick shots, learning enemy behaviors and shot patterns, then you're in for a really good time. You're supposed to die, to take damage, to take risks. The game has a checkpoint system baked in later on for this exact purpose. Not only does the game get way more fun when you play it on its terms, it also is the far more effective and survivable strategy. It's in the name, folks: dodge, jump, weave, STRAFE...

Atleast, it FEELS like that, until your health drops below 20%. And then you're waiting for the next medkit... and waiting... and waiting. And then you realize that the next medkit is not coming.

Suddenly, you're not strafing anymore, you're just cheesing, because this is what the game reduces you to. I've never had an experience give me such hope and such a fun first 30 minutes, only to have my wings clipped by what feels like totally hopeless odds. Essentially, the game becomes less about beating it all in one go, and more about just struggling to complete things one stage at a time, collecting enough parts to repair the teleporter at the start of each new stage. Every run starts so fun and hopeful and high energy before quickly grinding to a near crawl. Which, could work if it was better thematically balanced. Or, if certain items like the health regen for enemy kills were more accessible. I think a lot of the game's issues could be solved by just uniting the game's whole economy around scrap rather than splitting it between scrap and credits.

Strafe is fun, and I'm excited to play more. The highs feel great and fun and fluid, while the lows, being far and few inbetween, really bring the experience down.
張貼於 2017 年 5 月 9 日。 最後編輯於 2017 年 5 月 9 日。
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總時數 63.4 小時 (評論時已進行 29.0 小時)
Rogue-lite with a platforming focus and beautiful sprite work- Risk of Rain does not disappoint, and you should absolutely buy it (if you're willing to surmount a fair but punishing difficulty curve).

RoR is a solid platformer-"Rogue-lite" hybrid. The game makes use of a simple dota style skill hotkey system that allows for easy combos on either a 360 pad or keyboard (both of which work great as control schemes). The game itself is a fast paced race against the clock, as every second that passes brings you closer to an increase in diffculty leading to tougher enemies who spawn more frequently. The ingenious balance between wanting to grab all the loot in a level and keeping the diffculty low as you find the teleporters which advance you to the next level, keeps the adrenaline levels high.

The core characters themselves are all fun and well designed- I havn't seen this much detail crammed into sprites so small since my (lengthy) days with the Fire Emblem games. The skills and playstyles of each unlockable character are very unique, and discovering all the ways that the passive items you find in the levels can enhance your abilities and combo with your skills is an absolute blast. You begin to formulate ideal "builds," for each character, discovering which items work well and which do not.

As of the time of the review, however, the character balance is a bit out of wack. When compared to certain other characters, like the huntress or acrid, members of the cast like the enforcer or engineer require playstyles so radically specific that they just pale in comparison when it comes to simple utility. Keep in mind that every character will take a few test runs before you can really use them efficiently and learn their major combos, but after you begin this process of familiarization, it becomes obvious that there really is no logical reason to use some characters over others.. The amount of time it takes to unlock some of the better characters (or any characters at all) is also just a little tiring. It took me about 3-4 hours of (EXTREMELY ENJOYABLE) play with the commando to even unlock the enforcer, who, honestly, really isn't all that effective. This being said, the commando is an absolute blast to play, and I can think of no better character to teach players the ropes. He starts to feel like the bread and butter, or an old friend, and learnign to play through him is really a lot of fun.

The game's evolving difficulty curve, which grows steeper as time goes on within a playthrough, can also be a bit frustrating at first. However I would call it one of the game's central selling points. Do not be deceived: Risk of Rain is pulling no punches. Every ♥♥♥♥ up is almost certainly always your own fault, with random drops rarely to blame despite their prevailence. The game blends the concepts of money, loot, and time management to form an experience that is simple to dive into, but heart pounding, rewarding, and immensely satisfying when you pull a combo off just right and a wave of enemies burst infront of you, leaving actual corpses on the field- allowing you to marvel at your work.

If you like platformers, challenge RPGs, any other entries in the rogue-lite genre, or just a damn good time in general, then stop waiting and buy Risk of Rain.

Don't even get me started on the haunting and kickass soundtrack, or striking locations.

You'll discover those for yourself.
張貼於 2013 年 11 月 28 日。 最後編輯於 2013 年 11 月 28 日。
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總時數 30.7 小時 (評論時已進行 24.9 小時)
To be honest, this game is goofy as hell, and the bad translation makes for a good laugh, but, at it's core, it's a very deep and solid FPSRPG. Pick it up for sure!
張貼於 2011 年 12 月 31 日。
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總時數 19.3 小時
This game is fun; don't let the fact that it is ridiculously rough around the edges fool you: the well paced story, coupled with deep and interesting side quests, and numerous ways to play the game, be it combat, persuation, or seduction, to name a few, more than make up for it. The many bugs of the game can be easily circumvented through fan patches, and I highly suggest downloading the unoffical fan patch, and using the up option. I could go on and on about this game, but honetly, it just comes down to my recommendation of buying if you get the chance. You will not be dissappointed if you are a big fan of unique western RPGs.
張貼於 2011 年 7 月 3 日。
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總時數 17.2 小時
Absolutely fantastic, action is fast paced and viceral, and the multiplayer is both deep and incredibly immersive. The fact that a direct combat role isn't always the most rewarding point wise makes the game very team work dependent. No lone wolf, single guy carrying the team here. If your team sucks, you suck. Therefore, support roles that help and augment your team, like the medic, are often much more important than direct combat classes, like the assault. For $20 bucks, with the Vietnam Expansion preinstalled and just waiting to be released, Bad Company 2 is a STEAL. It was more than worth it when I bought it a launch on the 360 for $60, with only a few maps to play on. Now, with so many new maps added, Bad Company is a must buy for any Modern War or Teamwork fans.
張貼於 2010 年 12 月 12 日。
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目前顯示第 1-7 項,共 7 項