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Ублюдок, мать твою, а ну иди сюда говно собачье, решил ко мне лезть? Ты, засранец вонючий, мать твою, а? Ну иди сюда, попробуй меня трахнуть, я тебя сам трахну ублюдок, онанист чертов, будь ты проклят, иди идиот, трахать тебя и всю семью, говно собачье, жлоб вонючий, дерьмо, ♥♥♥♥, падла, иди сюда, мерзавец, негодяй, гад, иди сюда ты - говно, ЖОПА!


I don't cheat at all. I get mad when others use cheats so why would I? I enjoy a fair game, but some people just have to ruin it for others. So if you have cheat to win then that really shows how much you ♥♥♥♥ at playing games. What can I say the newer generations expect everything to be handed to them, so why wouldn't they cheat they think the world owes them.

"Cheater's are scum and deserve to be erased from the game industry. pRISON TIME, PUBLIC EXECUTION, no access to the internet for life. They should be imprisoned. It's not fair for the average joe that spends 80 hours at work to join a game server to get cheated out of a fair game because of joe blow has a esp or aimbot cheat or both they should perma ban him from being able to play a pc ever again. They need to make laws for this and make arrests cheateing at anything even taxes is a prison term so make cheating a prison term as well. If u cheat at a game you in fact cheat others out of a fair game and deserve no rights."

"I have NEVER cheated, as I played competitively through gamebattles/MLG. You say you won't cheat again, lol. I've heard that one before. As soon as you start getting wrecked again, you'll be back at it, trying to make up for your short comings like all the others. Or maybe it will be the other excuse that I regularly hear. " It was so laggy I had to, just to keep the game even for me." I've heard every excuse in the book, and I have had to deal with people in my clan cheating years ago. As soon as I had proof, they were gone. I'm one of those players that is that good, I regularly get accused of cheating so I hate actual cheaters. They are the scum of video games IMO."



Recommended read(s):

The Good Men Project - 31 Reasons Why Men Don’t Cheat
Elite Daily - 8 Reasons Why A Real Man Would Never Cheat

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