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Опубликовано: 15 мар в 5:07

Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
This game is already excellent for my taste. The core gameplay loop is really addicting and feels great to play. The sound and graphic design are a great fit and provide a good atmosphere for what the game is trying to do.
I can also highly recommend the soundtrack. It's just so good!

The latest update (beta branch) provides reworks (bartering, economy, stats, enemy ai), balancing changes and bug fixes that feel all great in my first couple of rounds that i played on a new save.

I'm excited about what the developers will add in the future. The gameplay loop is already solid and just needs more “stuff” (weapons, skills, enemies, etc) to get even better. The roadmap shows that they have a vision for the game and I see much of what I would like to be added there.

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