cool photo
incelscapable fate jún. 16., 21:52 
raper clown at primary school prank compilation
DiddyDiddler jún. 11., 15:07 
I weally want to tap :steamsad::steamsad::steamsad:
DiddyDiddler jún. 11., 15:05 
he is young, he is autistic, and if you don't have the patience to play with him, then I would prefer that you don't. His feelings get hurt easily, and I would prefer you not use strong language, this is a social outlet for him, and helps him deal with different situations that are hard on him in public settings. Please understand and use caution when playing with him. If you have any questions, please inbox him and I will answer as best I can.
Thank you,
Disabled/xer/zir/neopronoun mom:steamhappy::steamhappy:
ShdSteel máj. 16., 17:41 
junior the prano máj. 13., 18:29 
u a freak????
Abyss máj. 10., 9:40 
be careful, this guy likes to touch little black kids.