I'm Roaming.   Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Who are you and what do you want?

○ Current setup ○

► KitchenAid - 4-Slice Empire Red Case
► 16 parallel heating coils @ 4.4ghz
► 2 GB of downward switches
► 120V Power Supply
► Atmospheric cooler
Currently Offline
This boxes contains no relevant information.
It is a waste of your time to read this. I'm telling you. IF you decide to read through it though, I can guarantee there will be nothing at the end but then again, you already made it half way through, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to keep going right? WRONG! You will gain nothing from this, actually you'll lose every single hope you have for future paragraphs you read. Every book will look pointless, every comment will be disregarded, and for what? For the grace of Gaben of course. Then again, who am I to judge how you spend your time... This might even be the highlight of your day! Something to share with your grandchildren at some awkward christmas diner as a funny story. You know this reminds me of one thing that happened, very funny indeed, but to keep the title of this information box true, I will not share it. You'll have to ask me via message and reveal my special passcode. I won't tell you the passcode either since that would be relevant information. Now that we've established some boundaries, let me ask you, WHY ARE YOU STILL READING THIS you stubborn infant. Isn't there a chore you should be doing? Sorry, I went too far on that one, this will not happen again. Thanks for reading. IF you did make it there, let me know via message, I'll gift you 5$ of steam monies. :steamsalty: :steamsalty: :steamsalty: :steamsalty: :steamsalty: :steamsalty: :steamsalty: :steamsalty: :steamsalty: