11 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 0.1 hrs on record
Posted: 5 Feb, 2022 @ 11:47pm

Walkabout boasts incredibly realistic physics, beautiful scenery, and a mature and friendly community. This is hands down one of my favourite, most played VR games (sorry Beat Saber, I still love you).

Note: I purchased Walkabout on Steam just to write a review- because they definitely deserve it. I actually have closer to 30+ hours at the time of writing this review.

The graphics are stunning, and there is a large variation in map design which keeps things fresh. The controls are super receptive, and it feels like you're playing the real thing; this contributes to a very immersive experience. I have had issues with motion sickness in many other games, but only twice in Walkabout- and in all fairness, that is because I was flying around like a mad woman. Completely my fault!

As a bonus, I have had a lot of fun searching for the lost balls and following clues around the maps. Though this isn't the main intention of the game, I have launched a few times and played on solo just to continue the treasure hunt. There is also fun character customisation, different coloured and patterened balls and various putt designs (if you find them!). And I mentioned you can fly, right?!

The developers are really engaging with their community and actively listen to ideas. They also frequently release new content, including in the form of paid map DLCs, which I feel are fairly priced. Lots of respect for this amazing team of devs!

One of my favourite things about Walkabout is the social aspect. From my experience, the Walkabout community doesn't discriminate; there is a huge variation in skill and commitment. If you want to join a tournament and play more seriously? Go for it. If you just want to pick up a casual game every now and again, you'll fit in equally as well. Even if you can't hit the ball to save your life while the rest of your group are consistently getting par at worst, you will find it is a very encouraging and kind community (deeeeeefinitely speaking from experience here- oops).

If you plan on playing Walkabout socially, I definitely recommend joining their Discord. There are constantly new games opening up and it's the easiest way to play with others. Happy golfing!
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