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102.7 uur in totaal (67.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Very fun time waster.
If you have a lot of time to blow then sign yourself up.
Literally that's about all you can say about it.
Feels good as you grow your businesses and get more and more investors.
12/10 wish it was me irl.
Geplaatst 1 augustus 2016.
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0.0 uur in totaal
Really enjoy the Dead By Daylight Soundtrack but, I don't agree with the 10 dollar price tag attached to it.

I also challenge someone to walk alone at night with this soundtrack playing.
Geplaatst 14 juli 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 27 april 2021.
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0.7 uur in totaal
Double Action: Boogaloo is a 3rd or 1st person fast paced run and gun shooter depending on your preference but this game definitely feels it shines in 3rd person.

The Max Payne feel is real, and I can guarantee you that the devs had that game in mind when they made this one.

I have only played the game for 39 or so minutes and I feel that I've already had a good idea on how to review this. So here we go.

+ A good feeling run and gun game
+ Max Payne Feel

* Occasional glitch (Get stuck in walls every now and then)

- Hard to find servers with a decent amount of people playing.
Geplaatst 7 juli 2016.
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6 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
1.1 uur in totaal
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
+ Fun to play with friends (in a fun way not playing to win)
+ Spooky game (sometimes)
+ Good time killer
+ You get to scare people (probably it's biggest pro)

- Stressful if you play to win.
- Relys heavily on host to have good ping with all of the players otherwise its hard to reap people.

That is the old review. I wish that was still true, this game had tons of potential... However the devs have walked away from this game and it's so broken it's unbearable. The community is dead, we can't allow early access devs to keep getting away with running off from their projects. This game hasn't been updated in over (CORRECTION) 8 months (Thanks tarling) and haven't heard from a single single dev since. This isn't the first time they've gone and took a while to come back. Don't mess with this game at all, I suggest if you have bought this game to get a refund and if you haven't don't buy it at all until all of these issues are resolved OR steam takes it off the store. Luckily I recieved this game for free from a friend, whom will probably have a hard time getting his money back from steam for both of our copies.
Geplaatst 30 juni 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 30 juni 2016.
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39.9 uur in totaal (4.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The next day, you take Beast to the range just outside Cyberia, hoping walking around one of its favorite kinds of places will cheer him up. Although Beast had been excited about the prospect of your becoming more machine-like at first, the possibility of your death during surgery seems to have sunk in.

The idea that you may not always be around seems to have put Beast in a somewhat melancholy mood. "I'm not young anymore, either, Creator," Beast says. "You might not think of me as aging, but technology ages even faster than people. I look just old and clunky compared to the robots around us. When you built me, people would throw away their computers after just four years. Their phones, after two."

"Nobody's going to throw you away," you assure Beast.

"Without you, I'll probably stop working. Someday." Beast looks off into the distance. "If I die, Creator, do you think I will continue to exist after death in some form?"

(Assuring him that he will live on through the impacts he's made on people.)

Beast looks troubled. "But the person whose life I changed the most was yours, Creator!"

When you are gone, I will destory myself. Beast exclaims.

+ Branching storylines (Unlikely to get the same story/ending each time you run through.)
+ Can be the Hero, or the Villain. No forced direction.
+ Can bend your robots emotions and actions to your will, (Teach them Love, Hate, or how to be bloodthirsty killers.)
+ Take over Alaska
+ Building relationships in this game feels important, and how you say or act towards people affects how things play out.
+ Found myself thinking, well what I'm going to want to do probably wont be an option, but 100% of the time it was.
+Become Rich and Famous

- You haven't bought it already.

Overall: All I can say is WOW. Coming into this game I couldn't have imagined what I was heading into. This game has so much character and is very well made. This is my first text based choose your own adventure game that I've enjoyed this much. Who knew that a text based game, could make you feel anger, sadness, love, happiness and power about the decisions you made in it without having actually seen it...? Well this game corrected my ignorance. You will not be ready for it, I can assure you.
This is not something that ANYONE should pass up. FeelTrips throughout. Definitely keeping my eyes open for any future projects Kevin Gold and Choice of Games will be working on.
Geplaatst 10 januari 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 11 januari 2016.
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5.9 uur in totaal
Used to play this on console back in the day when that was still cool.

Is a lot of fun, and awesome to kill bosses with friends. A good pass time.
Gonna start playing again to see what has changed since it changes along with the show (that I lost track of...) but that's besides the point.
Geplaatst 4 augustus 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 4 augustus 2015.
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47.2 uur in totaal (29.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The Walking Dead is an excellent game which tells the story of Lee and Clementine in a world gone to hell.

This game has an amazing story which will hook you with every episode, and soon enough you'll find that 400 Days and Season 2 are in your Steam Library and you can fiend like the rest of us for more.

This game isn't amazing on keyboard,
However if you have a controller this is a perfect game to pick up.

+ Good Story
+ Make your own choices
+ Replayability
+ Loosely based off comics.

- Better with controller I'd say.
Geplaatst 21 juni 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 15 november 2016.
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78.5 uur in totaal (50.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This is the game you need ! ! !


Geplaatst 14 juni 2015.
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15.5 uur in totaal
Good time killer.


Good meaning behind the game if you pay enough attention to the story.
Geplaatst 12 juni 2015.
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482.0 uur in totaal (2.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)


Geplaatst 14 mei 2015.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
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