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Diposting: 14 Des 2019 @ 4:30pm
Diperbarui: 24 Okt 2020 @ 8:27pm

Ulasan Akses Dini
Supergiant Games has done it again, but this time it's a Greek mythos themed Rogue-lite!

Between gorgeous art, awesome music, and now a full cast of grade-A voice acting, this game is an artistic masterpiece!

And if you want more than amazing artistry, the varied weapons, trinkets, powers, enemies, and bosses are all wrapped up in cohesive, snappy, and tactical gameplay that will keep you engaged for hours upon hours of hack and slash (and shoot) fun! Not to mention the bosses are not afraid to beat you into the dust! If challenge is your thing I'd say give this one a gander!

The only reason I would tell you not to buy this game are if you don't like rogue-lites as a genre. But even then, the narrative is structured so that every death reveals more of the story and characters which helps to alleviate the feeling that you're simply playing the same game over and over.
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