琪露诺   China
Currently Offline
1 VAC ban on record | Info
1 game ban on record | Info
1852 day(s) since last ban
About me:
[0] 为什么我有两个游戏封禁?先说“游戏封禁”,很多人的个人资料里都有这个,可能有的人都不用看都能知道是PUBG的。特别是没绑手机令牌的账号,最容易被盗,巧了,我当时就没绑。
  再说VAC,别别别,特意来我个人资料查封禁的大哥先别急着回去骂我。这个VAC封禁可不是CSGO的,是一个可以联机的独立游戏。它启用了VAC反作弊,但我不知道,跟朋友们瞎玩顺手开了个Cheat Engine,再一个顺手就改了点游戏内的货币,理所当然的被封禁了。 所以永远都不要作弊。认栽了

[0] Why I got two banned? Well, I wasn't cheating in online games, the game ban is someone else have hacked my account when PUBG is in popular, I don't quite secured my account at that time. The ban on VAC is when I was playing an indie game that is enabled Valve Anti Cheat with my friend, then I used CheatEngine to change the number of coins in game. I haven't mentioned it enabled VAC at all, so result is, I've banned, well this VAC didn't worried me to play CSGO though. DON'T TRYING TO CHEAT, EVEN INDIE GAMES, LET ALONE THE ONLINE GAMES.

[0.25] 母语中文。日常交流足够的大学水平英语。在学而且我感觉我永远学不会了的日语。
[0.25] Chinese the Mother Language. Also could do the daily communication by English. Still learning Japanese but not enough to speak or understand all of words.

[0.75] 常隐身,因为发现只要我隐了身就不会有广告和诈骗发消息。常在线时段下午两点至凌晨三点,欢迎来烦。
[0.75] Regularly using invisible, only online for fourteen hours, between 15:00 CST(6:00 GMT) to tomorrow 3:00(19:00 GMT).

[1] 性格内向孤僻,怕会不过所以不会主动加好友。如果你想认识我还烦请你多点两下了。
[1] Would not sending the friend request 'cause some kind of social phobia. Once you want making me friend, I would like ask you to sending the friend request.

[2] 一般有好友申请的话我都会接受,但如果你要推销交易网站,爬。
[2] All the friend requests could be accepted immediately as soon as I seen it. But ads. & deceiver will refused. Especially those deceivers thought they had made a very Deceptive disguised, I won't accept the cases like this, go away.

[3] 我这个人素质极差 可能随口一句cnm的程度 ,如果要认识我还请注意。
[3] Poor quality. Also note this before you sending the friend request.

[4] 其实这些大部分都是我还在玩CSGO写的,以前经常会遇到车万人或者其他愿意跟我一起玩的。放现在看 其实我已经很少会玩匹配陌生人的游戏了,CS2也没有以前的激情释放肾上腺素了。不过既然你能看到也方便你更好的了解我吧。不过我人其实没什么意思 听不懂也不会开玩笑(我打字时可能十句话里九句话有括号,但是这不代表什么,可能是弱化语气、可能是我尝试开玩笑,感觉我说话没什么营养)
[4] These texts was written by the time I still playing CSGO, I don't usually play games required to matchmaking some strangers at this time, so if you wants to chat with me and snipe on my knife, the tricks like "you have had met me before" isn't work to me. go away. A have a strange habit when I speak Chinese. It won't happen in English so, don't care about this. Read the next one.

[5] 此人包括但不限于:东方Project 狸厨,三月精 & ⑨厨。九年新人,一设党,对一设有一定考究。不讨厌二设不抵触二设,但是只会刷梗的二设小鬼最好还是悪霊退散 、Undertale 仅限一设和部分二设,梗小鬼、梗警察太多不参与圈子 、Minecraft 十一年新人,对资源包\原版命令\Java有一些了解 、CSGO 挂哥和发交易网站的还是爬远点吧 、二 刺 螈 各种新番动画,大部分详见 space.bilibili.com/11299493/bangumi 、Overwatch 大概1800分以上2200一下的水平吧,有五年没打,更何况OW2实在是一言难尽 、彩六围攻 不常玩,没打过排位,但是挺喜欢这个游戏的,如果有时间经常玩还是会打的,所以放到这里了 、逃离塔科夫 截止2024年夏,游戏时长1710小时的新手,独狼熟图不会报点 、弹丸论破 小高飞妈,不过也没机会了,不管是动画还是游戏新作都不是很出彩的样子 、逆转裁判 当然只有前六作就是了,小病区稳定发挥 、音游狗 有机会就会去街机厅或者打开Switch玩两把太鼓的程度,有空闲时间就会打开Muse Dash的程度,打过一段时间Cytus的程度,闲下来没事就有可能玩Phigros的程度,甚至还玩OSU,但是我注意力没办法长时间集中,感觉以后也告别音游了 、其实还有很多但不一一列举了。
[5] I including these memes but not limited to these: TouhouProject, Undertale, Minecraft, CSGO, Japanese Animes, Overwatch, Rainbow six siege, Escape from tarkov, Danganronpa, Ace Attorney, Music Games.

[6] 台独的、港独的先给我死个妈,盲目亲信或仇视任何国家的人也给我死个妈,各种无脑刷梗的ky小鬼最好再死个妈,但要是你没妈或者妈死了不知道多少次的孤儿就给爷爬。
[6] Taiwan and Hongkong is belong to China, not independent. I don't prefer or hate any country even my mother country, and I don't expect you would do it.

[7] 英语部分尽力了,虽然还是很烂。也许日后还会添加日语……?
[7] I have do my best to translate these texts. Even I have no idea about WHY I have to do this. Well, I just did.

[9] 没想出来,也许会继续补充吧。
[9] I have no idea how to keep writing these, but i will keep thinking.
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