1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
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0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 184.5 год. загалом (104.1 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 5 січ. 2022 о 3:48
Оновлено: 5 січ. 2022 о 4:20

I tried liking the game. I tried really hard (lvl 55).

There are some fun concepts, for example Sundance with the wingsuit, Dozer with the shield, playing Falck (Medic) feels rewarding; healing works well.
Great gunfight physics: Shooting, hits, gun balance feels all smooth now.
I can excuse a certain number of bugs regarding vehicles, movement and some specific perks for the moment.

The problem is that each modes' gameplay-design is individually broken.
To many bad decisions have been made regarding setup, maps and vehicles.
A quick example is TDM, shamelessly spawning you backwards in front of the opponent's gun countless times.
Battlefield 2042 is blatantly skipping TDM basics, that have been tried and tested since decades and are essential for enjoying a match.

Then there are the poster game-modes Conquest and Breakthrough:
The maps fail to find the dimension that can satisfy both, infantry and fighterjets alike (of course...).
If your squad doesn't have ambitious pilots, who can quickly reserve one of the few choppers or airplanes, that you could jump into the battlefront from, you will often find yourself forced to walk the entire map.
These long, tedious walks lead players into using vehicles just to travel to the front, abandoning them after arrival.
Effort placed in levelling and adjusting vehicles to battle efficiency is for nothing, since in the time of need, there will be none available.

Of course there are these few specific tools, that can mitigate the problem to some degree.
But efficiently bringing advanced tactics into play with 3 randoms in the squad and no voice-comms available, is just a very unrealistic expectation.

What is really missing in Conquest & Breakthrough, are carefully designed maps of manageable size without vehicles.
For example indoors, in a ship, a building, a village,
anything except these vast open fields of emptiness, where only large vehicles and snipers can persist.
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