2명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
지난 2주간 36.9시간 / 기록상 1,668.3시간 (평가 당시 159.2시간)
게시 일시: 2021년 11월 11일 오전 11시 46분
무료로 받은 제품

Finally, in 2021, this game is worthwhile. If you want a good Fallout 4 class co op game that will take you 20 plus hours to run through, that is what this is. It's no New Vegas, and it's not a fully functional MMO (even though I think it is trying something along these lines) but that's the thrust of most complaints about it nowadays. The world is enormous and has a great deal to do, but if you do the same thing over and over you will find it repetitive. I don't think that's a fair knock against a game that has a terrible reputation that it used to deserve. It is no longer the wild pile of bugs and dysfunction that it was two years ago. A 100 percent buy if it's on sale.
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